France International Mail Bid Sale #70 - Bids accepted through Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

Mail Bid Sale #70 has more than 2000 lots organized by topic. Die proofs, trial color proofs, deluxe sheets, postal stationery, Fancy Cancels, errors, Patriotic covers, telegrams, original drawings, local and revenue stamps, meter cancels, and much more!



P.O. Box 580
Gibsonia, PA 15044
Phone: 724 443 85 80
Fax: 724 443 85 99

To request more information by email. stamps@salsgiver.com


Table of Contents
Abbreviations (English)...........Abréviations(français)
Bid Sheet (English)....................Ordre d'Achat (français)
Terms of Sale (English)..............Conditions de Vente (français)

Index By Country

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  • 500 Agriculture/Agriculture Lots 18001-18019
  • 502 Alcohol/Alcool Lots 18020-18021
  • 504 Alcohol Beer/Alcool Bière Lots 18022-18026
  • 506 Alcohol Wine Vineyards/Alcool Vin Vigne Lots 18027-18029
  • 508 Animals/Animaux Lots 18030-18059
  • 509 Animals Antelope/Animaux Antilope Lots 18060-18089
  • 510 Animals Cows/Animaux Bovins Lots 18090-18105
  • 512 Animals Deer/Animaux Cervidés Lots 18106-18108
  • 514 Animals Elephants/Animaux Eléphants Lots 18109-18108
  • 515 Animals Foxes/Animaux Renards Lots 18110-18111
  • 516 Animals Rabbits/Animaux Lapins Lots 18112-18113
  • 517 Animals Reptiles/Animaux Reptiles Lots 18114-18124
  • 518 Animals Sheep/Animaux Moutons Lots 18125-18129
  • 520 Antarctic Arctic/Antarctique Artique Lots 18130-18134
  • 524 Archeology/Archéologie Lots 18135-18134
  • 526 Architecture/Architecture Lots 18136-18173
  • 528 Architecture (Religious)/Architecture Religieuse Lots 18174-18217
  • 532 ARPHILA/ARPHILA Lots 18218-18217
  • 534 Art Paintings/Art Peinture Lots 18219-18252
  • 536 Art Sculpture/Art Sculpture Lots 18253-18266
  • 538 Art Stained Glass Windows/Art Vitraux Lots 18267-18266
  • 542 Astronomy/Astronomie Lots 18268-18294
  • 544 Atomic Energy/Atome (Energie Atomique) Lots 18295-18296
  • 546 Authors/Ecrivains Lots 18297-18301
  • 547 Authors Poets/Ecrivains Poétes Lots 18302-18308
  • 548 Automobile/Automobile Lots 18309-18333
  • 549 Automobile: Traffic Safety/Securité routière Lots 18334-18340
  • 550 Aviation/Aviation Lots 18342-18364
  • 552 Aviation Balloons/Aviation Ballons Lots 18365-18379
  • 554 Aviation Helicopters/Aviation Hélicoptères Lots 18380-18379
  • 558 Banking/Banque Argent Lots 18381-18394
  • 560 Bells/Cloches Lots 18395-18396
  • 561 Beauty & Fashion/Beauté & Vogue Lots 18397-18408
  • 562 Bicentennial US/Bicentenaire USA Lots 18409-18416
  • 564 Bicycles/Cyclisme Lots 18417-18418
  • 566 Birds/Oiseaux Lots 18419-18455
  • 568 Birds Chicken/Oiseaux Poules Lots 18456-18458
  • 570 Birds Eagles/Oiseaux Aigle Rapaces Lots 18459-18462
  • 572 Birds Owls/Oiseaux Hiboux Lots 18463-18462
  • 576 Birds Pigeons/Oiseaux Pigeons Lots 18464-18462
  • 578 Bridges/Ponts Lots 18465-18467
  • 580 Butterflies/Papillons Lots 18468-18533
  • 581 Captain Cook/Captain Cook Lots 18534-18533
  • 582 Cartoons Disney/Dessin Animé Disney Lots 18535-18533
  • 583 Castles/Châteaux Lots 18536-18541
  • 584 Cats/Chats Félins Lots 18542-18551
  • 585 Ceramics Pottery/Céramiques Poterie Lots 18552-18553
  • 586 Chemistry/Chimie Lots 18554-18558
  • 588 Chess/Echecs Lots 18559-18560
  • 589 Children/Enfant Lots 18561-18585
  • 590 Christmas/Noël Lots 18586-18607
  • 592 Cinema/Cinema Lots 18608-18621
  • 594 Clothing/Vêtements Lots 18622-18631
  • 596 Coats of Arms/Blasons Lots 18632-18636
  • 598 Coins/Monnaies Lots 18637-18636
  • 600 Columbus/Christophe Colomb Lots 18638-18640
  • 602 Comic Strips/Bande Dessinée Lots 18641-18642
  • 604 Computers/Informatique Ordinateur Lots 18643-18642
  • 607 Conservation/Défense de l'environnement Lots 18644-18658
  • 608 Costume/Costume Lots 18659-18671
  • 609 Crafts/Artisinat Lots 18672-18675
  • 611 Dams/Barrages Lots 18676-18678
  • 612 Dance Ballet/Danse Ballet Lots 18679-18689
  • 614 De Gaulle Free France/De Gaulle France Libre Lots 18690-18692
  • 616 Diving/Pêche Sous-Marine Plongée Lots 18693-18692
  • 618 Dogs/Chiens Lots 18694-18695
  • 620 Education/Education Lots 18696-18709
  • 622 Electricity/Electricité Lots 18710-18724
  • 624 Energy/Energie Lots 18725-18724
  • 625 Environment/Environnement Lots 18726-18739
  • 628 Europa/Europa Lots 18740-18757
  • 6285 Explorers/Exploriteurs Lots 18758-18763
  • 629 Fairs/Foires Lots 18764-18770
  • 6295 Fairy Tales/Conte de Fées Lots 18771-18776
  • 632 Firemen/Pompiers Lots 18777-18776
  • 634 Fish/Poissons Lots 18778-18816
  • 636 Fishing/Pêche Lots 18817-18818
  • 638 Flags/Drapeaux Lots 18819-18823
  • 642 Flowers/Flore Lots 18824-18842
  • 644 Flowers Orchids/Flore Orchidée Lots 18843-18847
  • 646 Flowers Roses/Flore Rose Lots 18848-18850
  • 648 Food Gastronomy/Gastronomie Lots 18851-18866
  • 652 French Revolution/Révolution Française Lots 18867-18866
  • 655 Furniture/Meubles Lots 18868-18870
  • 656 Games Toys/Jeux Jouets Lots 18871-18884
  • 658 Gandhi/Ghandi Lots 18885-18884
  • 659 Glass/Verre Lots 18886-18887
  • 660 Geology/Géologie Lots 18888-18889
  • 661 Greco-Roman/Gréco-Romain Lots 18890-18893
  • 664 Hands/Mains Lots 18894-18897
  • 668 Horses/Chevaux Lots 18898-18944
  • 670 Hunting/Chasse Lots 18945-18948
  • 676 Industry Commerce/Commerce Industrie Lots 18949-18956
  • 678 Insects/Insectes Lots 18957-19040
  • 680 Insects Bees/Insectes Abeilles Lots 19041-19099
  • 684 Jewelry/Bijoux Lots 19100-19102
  • 686 Judaïca/Judaïca Lots 19103-19104
  • 688 Kennedy/Kennedy Lots 19105-19106
  • 692 Law Lawyer/Justice Lois Lots 19107-19109
  • 693 Light/Lumière Lots 19110-19113
  • 696 Lincoln/Lincoln Lots 19114-19113
  • 700 Maps Globes/Cartes Géographique Globe Lots 19115-19119
  • 702 Marine Life/Poissons Faune Marine Lots 19120-19142
  • 703 Marine Life Whales/Baleines Lots 19143-19146
  • 704 Marx Lenin Stalin/Marx Lénine Staline Lots 19147-19148
  • 706 Masks/Masques Lots 19149-19167
  • 710 Math/Mathématiques Lots 19168-19169
  • 714 Medicine/Médecine Lots 19170-19186
  • 716 Medicine (Veterinarian) Médecine vétérinaire/Medicin Lots 19187-19188
  • 720 Medicine Malaria/Médecine Paludisme Lots 19189-19193
  • 722 Medicine Pharmacy/Médecine Pharmacie Lots 19194-19195
  • 726 Meteorology/Météorologie Lots 19196-19201
  • 727 Military/Militaire Lots 19202-19206
  • 728 Minerals/Minéraux Lots 19207-19214
  • 732 Motorcycles/Motos Lots 19215-19217
  • 733 Mountains/Montagnes Lots 19218-19223
  • 734 Mushrooms/Champignons Lots 19224-19228
  • 738 Music/Musique Lots 19229-19248
  • 740 Music Composers/Musique Compositeurs Lots 19249-19252
  • 742 Music Instruments/Musique Instruments Lots 19253-19279
  • 744 Music Opera/Musique Opéra Lots 19280-19287
  • 746 Napoléon/Napoléon Lots 19288-19290
  • 748 Nationalism/Nationalism Lots 19291-19294
  • 749 Nobel Prize/Prix Nobel Lots 19295-19296
  • 752 Optics/Optique Lots 19297-19301
  • 753 Parks/Parcs Lots 19302-19301
  • 7535 Peace/Paix Lots 19303-19304
  • 754 Petroleum/Pétrole Lots 19305-19318
  • 755 Photography/Photographie Lots 19319-19359
  • 756 Philosophy/Philosophie Lots 19360-19359
  • 7565 Places/Places Lots 19361-19374
  • 758 Plants Coffee Tea/Flore Café Lots 19375-19379
  • 760 Plants Cotton/Flore Coton Lots 19380-19381
  • 762 Plants Fruits/Flore Fruits Lots 19382-19418
  • 764 Plants Tobacco/Flore Tabac Lots 19419-19422
  • 765 Plants/Plantes Lots 19423-19422
  • 768 Police/Police Gendarmerie Lots 19424-19428
  • 774 Popes/Papes Lots 19429-19440
  • 775 Postal History/Histoire de la Poste Lots 19441-19448
  • 776 Prehistory/Préhistoire Lots 19449-19448
  • 778 Press/Imprimerie Presse Lots 19450-19448
  • 800 Radio Television/Radio Télévision Lots 19451-19464
  • 802 Red Cross/Croix-Rouge Lots 19465-19491
  • 803 Religion/Religion Lots 19492-19537
  • 804 Religion Luther/Religion Luther Lots 19538-19551
  • 805 Roosevelt/Roosevelt Lots 19552-19554
  • 806 Rotary International/Rotary International Lots 19555-19558
  • 8075 Scientists/Scientists Lots 19559-19568
  • 808 Scouts/Scoutisme Lots 19569-19577
  • 810 Seashells/Poissons Coquillages Lots 19578-19590
  • 812 Ships/Bateaux Lots 19591-19624
  • 814 Space/Espace Fusées Lots 19625-19651
  • 818 Sports/Sports Lots 19652-19662
  • 822 Sports Basketball/Sports Basketball Lots 19663-19664
  • 823 Sports Boxing/Sports Boxe Lots 19665-19669
  • 824 Sports Field Hockey/Sports Hockey sur Gazon Lots 19670-19669
  • 826 Sports Golf/Sports Golf Lots 19671-19669
  • 827 Sports Gymnastics/Sports Gymnastique Lots 19672-19675
  • 830 Sports Olympic Games/Sports Jeux Olympiques Lots 19676-19710
  • 832 Sports Olympic Games (Winter)/Sports Jeux Olympiques Lots 19711-19719
  • 836 Sports Skiing/Sports Ski Lots 19720-19722
  • 838 Sports Soccer/Sports Football Lots 19723-19756
  • 840 Sports Swimming/Sports Natation Lots 19757-19756
  • 844 Sports Tennis/Sports Tennis Lots 19758-19756
  • 846 Sports Volleyball/Sports Volleyball Lots 19759-19756
  • 848 Sports Wrestling/Sports Lutte Lots 19760-19756
  • 849 Stagecoaches/Stagecoaches Lots 19761-19762
  • 852 Stamp Day/Journée du Timbre Lots 19763-19771
  • 854 Stamps on Stamps/Timbres sur Timbres Lots 19772-19796
  • 856 Stamp Exhibitions/Stamp Exhibitions Lots 19797-19802
  • 860 Submarines/Bateaux Sous-Marins Lots 19803-19802
  • 861 Sun/Soleil Lots 19804-19802
  • 862 Telecommunications I.T.U./Télécommunications UIT Lots 19805-19831
  • 864 Telephone/Téléphone Lots 19832-19838
  • 865 Textiles/Textile Lots 19839-19842
  • 866 Theater/ThéÂtre Lots 19843-19844
  • 868 Time Clocks Watches/Horloges Montres Temps Lots 19845-19846
  • 8695 Tourism/Tourisme Lots 19847-19849
  • 870 Trains/Trains Lots 19850-19867
  • 871 Towers/Tours Lots 19868-19870
  • 872 Trees Wood/Arbre Bois Lots 19871-19886
  • 873 Trees Palms/Arbres Palmiers Lots 19887-19892
  • 874 U.P.U./U.P.U. Lots 19893-19895
  • 875 UN/Nations Unies Lots 19896-19904
  • 876 UN Human Rights/ONU Droits de l'Homme Lots 19905-19914
  • 878 UN Hunger/ONU Faim FAO Lots 19915-19920
  • 880 UN UNESCO/ONU UNESCO Lots 19921-19920
  • 885 Voting/Vote Lots 19922-19926
  • 886 Washington/Washington Lots 19927-19926
  • 887 Water & Waterfalls/Eau et Chutes d'eau Lots 19928-19936
  • 888 Weapons/Armes Lots 19937-19948
  • 890 Windmills/Moulins Lots 19949-19948
  • 892 Women/Femmes Lots 19950-19961
  • 895 World Leaders/Dirigiantes Mondials Lots 19962-19983
  • 896 World War II/2ème Guerre Mondiale Lots 19984-19989
  • 897 World Wildlife Federation/WWF Lots 19990-20002