LEGEND Bid Sheet (English) Ordre d'achat (Français)


No bids less than the reserve accepted. Nous n'acceptons pas des offres au-dessous du prix de départ ("Reserve")

534 Art Paintings/Art Peinture
Lot No Type Description Reserve Estimate
18219 EP image SPAIN (1930) Goya at 80. Presentation proof printed by Helio-Vaugirard in 1948 on thin paper, similar to French community deluxe proofs. Scott No 394, Yvert No 420. Similar proofs have sold at auction for over $200! $75 $90
18220 EL image CONGO (1968) Grandfather & grandson. Deluxe sheet. Painting by Ghirlandajo. Scott No C63, Yvert No PA64. $15 $20
18221 EL image CONGO (1968) "Negro Woman Arranging Peonies"* painting by Bazille. Deluxe sheet. Scott No C66, Yvert No PA66. $12 $15
18222 ND image RWANDA (1969) Angels. Lutes. Organ. Imperforate proof sheet. Scott No 281. "Angel's concert" by Van Eyck. Some wrinkling at top of sheet. $200 $250
18223 FDC image AUSTRALIA (1971) Aboriginal art. Unadressed FDC with cachet. Scott Nos 504-7. $12 $15
18224 EP image GERMANY (1972) Lucas Cranach. Archive photo (See Note) of unaccepted design for 500th anniversary of birth of Renaissance painter and printmaker. Drawing by Durer. Scott No 1091, Yvert No 569. $60 $75
18225 ND image RWANDA (1973) "Apostles Peter & Paul" by El Greco. Imperforate block of 4. Scott No 509. $40 $50
18226 ND image RWANDA (1973) "Apostles Peter & Paul" by El Greco. Imperforate pair. Scott No 509. $20 $25
18227 ND image RWANDA (1975) "Water carrier" by Goya. Imperforate block of 4. Scott No 668. IYW issue. $40 $50
18228 ND image TOGO (1975) Erasmus writing letter by Holbein. Imperforate corner block of 4. Scott No C262. Yvert No PA264. $15 $20
18229 ND image RWANDA (1977) "Heads of black men" by Rubens. Imperforate proof sheet. Scott No 822. $200 $250
18230 ESS image FRANCE (1977) Excoffon. Scott No 1559. Yvert No 1951. Abstract painting. Trial Color Plate Proof Pair. $60 $75
18231 ESS image FRANCE (1977) Excoffon. Scott No 1559. Yvert No 1951. Abstract painting. Trial Color Plate Proof Strip of 3. $90 $110
18232 ** image PARAGUAY (1978) "Triumph of Eucharist Over False Gods" by Rubens. S/S inscribed in silver. Scott No 1790a. $12 $15
18233 ESS image MALI (1980) Christ with cross of thorns carrying cross. Trial color proofs in full sheet of 25. Scott Nos C386, Yvert Nos PA384. Painting by Durer. Note: sheet was too big to fit in scanner: right of sheet not shown. $500 $600
18234 EL image DJIBOUTI (1981) Man with turban by Rembrandt. Deluxe sheet. Scott No C148, Yvert No PA154. $20 $25
18235 EA image CENTRAL AFRICA (1981) Picasso. Die proof in red of gold foil stamps. Scott Nos C247a-b. These proofs were printed in Switzerland and bear the raised imprint "IMPRIMERIE DES TIMBRES POSTES - SUISSE." $50 $60
18236 SPE image PARAGUAY (1982) Painting by Rubens. Souvenir sheets "A" and "B" overprinted MUESTRA. Scott No C517. $10 $15
18237 EL image CAMEROUN (1986) Easter paintings. Set of 2 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 805-6, Yvert Nos 785-6. $25 $30
18238 EA image FRENCH POLYNESIA (1993) Pahi Moorea. Die proof in black signed by the engraver JUMELET. Painting by Jacques Boulllaire. Scott No 616, Yvert No 432. $140 $175
18239 EA image FRENCH POLYNESIA (1993) Pahi Tuamotu. Die proof in black signed by the engraver. Painting by Jacques Boulllaire. Scott No 617, Yvert No 433. $140 $175
18240 EA image FRENCH POLYNESIA (1993) Pahi Rurutu. Die proof in black signed by the engraver. Painting by Jacques Boulllaire. Scott No 618, Yvert No 434. $140 $175
18241 EP image AUSTRIA (2015) "Lady with a dark hat" by Faistauer. Black print. $15 $20
18242 EP image AUSTRIA (2015) Modern art by Hunert Schmalix. Black print of S/S. $20 $25
18243 EP image AUSTRIA (2016) 125th anniversary of Kunst-Historisches Museum. Black print. $15 $20
18244 EP image AUSTRIA (2016) Abstract art by Esther Stocker. Black print. $15 $20
18245 EP image AUSTRIA (2016) Contemporary art by Martha Jungwirth. Black print. $15 $20
18246 EP image AUSTRIA (2016) The Future Factor. Black print. $15 $20
18247 EP image AUSTRIA (2016) "Wiedererstehen zu neuem leben" by Waldmuller. Black print. $15 $20
18248 EP image AUSTRIA (2016) Nudes by Koloman Moser. Black print. $15 $20
18249 EP image AUSTRIA (2016) Contemporary art by Erwin Bohatsch. Black print. $15 $20
18250 EP image AUSTRIA (2023) "Untitled" by Hans Kupelweiser. Black print. $15 $20
18251 EP image AUSTRIA (2023) Lentos Art Museum.. Black print. Art by the river. $15 $20
18252 EP image AUSTRIA (2023) Folding art by Julia Haugeneder. Black print. $15 $20

See Also Lots:/ Voir Aussi Lots:

Lot No Type Description Reserve Estimate
18495 FDC image JAPAN (1966) "Butterflies" by Fujishima. Unaddressed FDC with cachet with thematic cancel. Scott No 879. Yvert No 835. $10 $10
18846 FDC image BULGARIA (1999) Paintings of orchids. Unaddressed FDC with cachet and thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1787-90. $15 $20
19157 EA image MALI (1966) Mask. Palette. Microphones. Die proof in dark brown signed by the engraver HALEY. International Negro Arts Festival. Scott No 84, Yvert No 86. $80 $100
19488 EL image DAHOMEY (1968) Red Cross paintings. Set of 4 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos C77-80, Yvert Nos PA81-4. $50 $60
19911 ESS image RWANDA (1972) Painter. Weaver. Set of 8 color separations. Scott No 490. Fight against racism.. $75 $90

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