LEGEND Bid Sheet (English) Ordre d'achat (Français)


No bids less than the reserve accepted. Nous n'acceptons pas des offres au-dessous du prix de départ ("Reserve")

544 Atomic Energy/Atome (Energie Atomique)
Lot No Type Description Reserve Estimate
18295 EP image GERMANY (1964) Cerenkov radiation. Archive photo (See Note) of unaccepted design for 25th anniversary of discovery of nuclear fission by Hahn & Strassmann (neglecting the contribution of Lise Meitner). Scott No 893, Yvert No 311. $60 $75
18296 EP image GERMANY (1964) Cerenkov radiation. Archive photo (See Note) of unaccepted design for 25th anniversary of discovery of nuclear fission by Hahn & Strassmann (neglecting the contribution of Lise Meitner). Scott No 893, Yvert No 311. $60 $75

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