LEGEND Bid Sheet (English) Ordre d'achat (Français)


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861 Sun/Soleil
Lot No Type Description Reserve Estimate
19804 EMA image U.S.A. (1956) Sun with sunglasses. Red meter cancellation on fragment Pitney Bowes No 333743: "St. Petersburg, the Sunshine City." $15 $20

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Lot No Type Description Reserve Estimate
18094 EA image MALI (1961a) Cattle. Sun. Fields. Flag. Die proof in black signed by the engraver DECARIS. 1st anniversary of independence. Scott No 15, Yvert No 15. Rare! $120 $150
18384 EP image GERMANY (1959) Jakob Fugger. Sun. Fuggerie (oldest social housing development). Archive photo (See Note) of unaccepted design for 500th anniversary of birth. Scott No 798, Yvert No 178. $60 $75
18456 EMA image U.S.A. (1961) Egg. Blue meter cancellation on envelope Pitney Bowes No 336987: "Eat Eggs. Packaged Sunshine." $15 $20
18731 FDC image GREAT BRITAIN (2000) Wetlands. Ants. Solar cells. Leave in water. Addressed FDC with cachet and thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1902-5. $12 $15
19301 EP image AUSTRIA (2023) Futura sunglasses. Black print. $15 $20
19315 EMA image U.S.A. (1965) Smiling sun. Gas flame. Red meter cancellation on envelope Pitney Bowes No 510782: "It's always fair weather...with a Gas Clothes Dryer." $15 $20
19499 EP image GERMANY (1960) Sun. Cross. Moon. Archive photo (See Note) of unaccepted design for Oberammergau Passion Play issue. Scott No 810, Yvert No 202. $60 $75

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