Lot No |
Type |
Description |
Price |
N71481 |
ND |
MOROCCO (1958) UNESCO Building*. King Mohammed V*. Set of 3 imperforates. Scott Nos 25-7, Yvert Nos 386-8.
$12 |
N42992 |
MOROCCO (1958) UNESCO Building*. King Mohammed V*. Trial color strip of 3. Scott No 25, Yvert No 386.
$20 |
N71314 |
LAOS (1958) Goddess*. UNESCO Building*. Eiffel tower*. Trial color proof. Scott No 50, Yvert No 53. Issued to commemorate the opening of UNESCO headquarters in Paris.
$5 |
N71657 |
VIETNAM (1958) UNESCO building. Trial color proof. Scott No 92, Yvert No 81.
$5 |
N73440 |
FRANCE (1958) UNESCO headquarters*. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 893-4, Yvert Nos 1177-8.
$10 |
N72664 |
ND |
BULGARIA (1958) UNESCO building. Margin imperforate. Scott No 1041, Yvert No 953.
$5 |
N71432 |
MONACO (1959) UNESCO emblem*. Set of 2 trial color proofs. Scott Nos 435-6, Yvert Nos 511-2.
$15 |
N43158 |
MONACO (1959) UNESCO emblem*. Trial color proof pair. Scott No 435, Yvert No 511.
$15 |
N72802 |
EL |
CENTRAL AFRICA (1966) UNESCO 20th anniversary. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 76, Yvert No 78.
$12 |
N57829 |
EL |
CHAD (1966) Pillar*. UNESCO emblem*. Deluxe sheet. 20th anniversary of UNESCO. Scott No 132, Yvert No 129.
$8 |
N79901 |
ND |
CONGO (1966) UNESCO emblem*. Microscope*. Imperforate. Scott No 152, Yvert No 198.
$5 |
N57752 |
ND |
CAMBODIA (1966) UNESCO emblem*. Set of 2 imperforates. Scott Nos 163-4, Yvert Nos 178-9.
$12 |
N58599 |
ND |
UPPER VOLTA (1966) UNESCO emblem*. Imperforate. 20th anniversary of UNESCO. Scott No 173, Yvert No 175.
$5 |
N60720 |
ND |
UPPER VOLTA (1966) UNESCO emblem*. Set of 2 imperforates. Scott Nos 173-4, Yvert Nos 175-6.
$10 |
N29912 |
EL |
UPPER VOLTA (1966) UNESCO emblem*. Deluxe sheet, 20th anniversary of UNESCO. Scott No 173, Yvert No 175.
$10 |
N60615 |
ND |
NEW CALEDONIA (1966) Dancers*. UNESCO emblem*. Imperforate corner block of 4. Scott No 347, Yvert No 331.
$15 |
N59087 |
EL |
NEW CALEDONIA (1966) Dancers*. UNESCO emblem*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 347, Yvert No 331.
$10 |
N54890 |
JAPAN (1966) UNESCO*. MIHON (specimen) overprint. Scott No 892.
$5 |
N71416 |
ND |
MAURITANIA (1966) UNESCO*. Imperforate pair. Scott No 2120, Yvert No 222.
$10 |
N73442 |
FRANCE (1966) UNESCO 20th anniversary*. Set of 3 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 2O6-8. Yvert Nos SE36-8.
$15 |
N66314 |
EL |
WALLIS & FUTUNA (1966) Girl & boy reading*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No C26, Yvert No PA28.
$15 |
N60732 |
ND |
WALLIS & FUTUNA (1966) Children reading*. Imperforate. Scott No C36, Yvert No PA38.
$10 |
N45302 |
ND |
MALI (1966) Families*. UNESCO emblem*. Imperforate. Scott No C37, Yvert No PA37.
$3 |
N71280 |
ND |
GABON (1966) Student*. UNESCO emblem*. Imperforate pair. 20th anniversary of UNESCO. Scott No C48, Yvert No PA50.
$10 |
N45271 |
ND |
CENTRAL AFRICA (1971) Education Year*. Imperforate pair. Scott No C90, Yvert No PA94.
$7 |
N54997 |
JAPAN (1984) UNESCO clubs*. MIHON (specimen) overprint. Scott No 1565.
$5 |
N59345 |
GERMANY (1990) Lubeck*. MUSTER (Specimen) overprint. World heritage site. Scott No 1594, Yvert No 1279.
$15 |
N43393 |
AUSTRALIA (1993) Fraser Island - World Heritage Site*. Maximum card with thematic First Day cancel. Scott No 1312.
$3 |
N43394 |
AUSTRALIA (1993) Zuytdorp Cliffs - World Heritage Site*. Maximum card with thematic First Day cancel. Scott No 1313.
$3 |
N43395 |
AUSTRALIA (1993) Twin Falls, Kakadu - World Heritage Site*. Maximum card with thematic First Day cancel. Scott No 1314.
$3 |
N51918 |
GERMANY (1996) Bamberg*. Overprinted MUSTER (specimen). Scott No 1945, Yvert No 1713.
$7 |