LEGEND Order Sheet (English) Ordre d'achat (Français)


Please order by lot number.

766 Playing Cards/Cartes à jouer
Lot No Type Description Price
N68813 EMA image ETATS UNIS (1959) Solitaire. Red meter cancel on envelope, Pitney-Bowes No. 355674: "Alone" Play Solitaire 150 Different Ways."
N76080 OBL image GERMANY (BERLIN) (1969) Playing card suits*. Unaddressed postcard with cancelation for Germany-Belgium-Netherlands Skat tourney.
N76081 OBL image EAST GERMANY (1969) Playing cards*. Unaddressed postcard with cancelation for Altenburg Skatstadt.
N76078 OBL image GERMANY (1971) Playing cards*. Unaddressed postcard with cancelation for Kreuzberg Skat Club.
N61244 ND image MALI (1978) Dominos*. Bridge*. Set of 2 imperforates. Scott Nos 313-4, Yvert Nos 309-10.

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