628 Europa/Europa
Lot No |
Type |
Description |
Price |
N71174 |
FRANCE (1956) Europa*. Trial color proof. Scott No 805, Yvert No 1076.
$125 |
N85067 |
NETHERLANDS (1958) Europa. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 375-6.
$5 |
N72963 |
FRANCE (1958) Europa. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 889-90, Yvert No 1173-4.
$5 |
N71130 |
FRANCE (1958) Europa*. Set of 2 trial color proofs. Scott Nos 889-90, Yvert Nos 1173-4.
$60 |
N85152 |
SWITZERLAND (1959) Symbolic chain*. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 374-5.
$5 |
N85097 |
NETHERLANDS (1959) Circular chain*. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 375-6.
$5 |
N86784 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1961) Gears*. Unaddressed FDC with cachet and thematic cancel. Scott No 366.
$5 |
N72821 |
FRANCE (1961) Europa*. FDC with cachet. Scott Nos 1005-6, Yvert Nos 1309-10.
$5 |
N72992 |
NETHERLANDS (1962) Stylised trees. Maximum card with first day cancel. Yvert Nos 758-9, Scott Nos 394-5.
$5 |
N73000 |
SAN MARINO (1963) Flag*. Letter "E". Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott No 606, Yvert No 604
$2 |
N72962 |
FRANCE (1963) Eurpoa. Set of 2 maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1074-5, Yvert Nos 1395-6.
$7 |
N72967 |
FRANCE (1963) TCouncil of Europe flag. Set of 3 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 1O7-9, Yvert Nos SE27-9.
$10 |
N70977 |
ND |
CHAD (1963) EuropAfrica. Imperforate. Scott No C11, Yvert No PA11.
$5 |
N60530 |
ND |
IVORY COAST (1964) EuropAfrique*. Imperforate. Scott No 217, Yvert No 227.
$5 |
N59002 |
EL |
MADAGASCAR (1964) Dove*. Globe*. Deluxe sheet. EuropAfrique. Scott No 357, Yvert No 396.
$10 |
N74089 |
ND |
CAMEROUN (1964) EuropAfrica*. Imperforate. Scott No 412, Yvert No402.
$3 |
N79875 |
ND |
CHAD (1964) EuropAfrica. Imperforate. Scott No C14, Yvert No PA14.
$5 |
N79963 |
ND |
GABON (1964) Symbols of industry, agriculture. Imperforate. Europafrique issue. Scott No C21, Yvert No PA23.
$7 |
N59069 |
EL |
MAURITANIA (1964) Symbols of industry, agriculture. Deluxe sheet. Europafrique issue. Scott No C28, Yvert No PA32.
$10 |
N60670 |
ND |
SENEGAL (1964) Symbols of industry, agriculture. Imperforate. Europafrique issue. Scott No C36, Yvert No PA42.
$5 |
N71555 |
ND |
NIGER (1964) EuropAfrica. Imperforate. Scott No C43, Yvert Nos PA43.
$5 |
N72991 |
NETHERLANDS (1965) Stylised leaves. Maximum card with first day cancel. Yvert Nos 822-3, Scott Nos 438-9.
$5 |
N85070 |
NETHERLANDS (1965) Stylised leaves*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 438-9.
$5 |
N72961 |
FRANCE (1965) Stylised leaf*. Set of 2 maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1131-2, Yvert Nos 1455-6.
$7 |
N60683 |
EL |
CENTRAL AFRICA (1965) Gear* Wheat*. Deluxe sheet. EuropaAfrique. Scott No C31, Yvert No PA34.
$10 |
N60519 |
ND |
CENTRAL AFRICA (1965) Gear* Wheat*. Imperforate. EuropaAfrique. Scott No C31, Yvert No PA34.
$5 |
N72989 |
NETHERLANDS (1966) Stylised sailboats. Maximum card with first day cancels. Yvert Nos 837-8, Scott Nos 441-2.
$5 |
N72959 |
FRANCE (1966) Stylised sailboat. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1163-4, Yvert No 1490-1.
$5 |
N71173 |
FRANCE (1966) Symbolic sailboat. Trial color proof strip of 3. Scott No 1163, Yvert No 1490.
$75 |
N71275 |
ND |
GABON (1966) Symbols of industry, transportation*. Imperforate pair. Europafrique issue. Scott No C46, Yvert No PA48.
$10 |
N60602 |
ND |
NIGER (1966) EuropAfrique*. Imperforate. Scott Nos C62, Yvert No PA62.
$5 |
N71261 |
ND |
GABON (1967) Map of Africa. Products. Imperforate pair. EuropAfrica. Scott No 219, Yvert No 218.
$10 |
N72990 |
NETHERLANDS (1967) Gears. Maximum card with first day cancel. Yvert Nos 850-1, Scott Nos 444-5.
$5 |
N85068 |
NETHERLANDS (1967) Interlocked gears*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 444-5.
$5 |
N73009 |
SPAIN (1967) Gears*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1465-6, Yvert Nos 1448-9.
$5 |
N72988 |
NETHERLANDS (1968) Keys. Maximum card with first day cancels. Yvert Nos 871-2, Scott Nos 452-3.
$5 |
N71019 |
ND |
CENTRAL AFRICA (1968) EurpoAfrica. Imperforate. Scott No C12, Yvert No PA16.
$5 |
N75886 |
ND |
NIGER (1968) Konrad Adenauer*. Imperforate M/S of 4. Scott No C74a.
$25 |
N75887 |
EL |
NIGER (1968) Konrad Adenauer*. Deluxe proof of M/S of 4. Scott No C74a.
$25 |
N73022 |
VATICAN CITY (1969) Europa. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 470-2, Yvert Nos 488-90
$5 |
N85096 |
NETHERLANDS (1969) EUROPA in block letters*. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 475-6.
$5 |
N73002 |
SAN MARINO (1969) Europa. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 701-2, Yvert Nos 732-3.
$5 |
N72976 |
ITALY (1969) Europa. Set of 2 maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1000-1, Yvert Nos 1034-5.
$5 |
N72958 |
FRANCE (1969) Europa. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1245-6, Yvert No 1598-9
$5 |
N85093 |
NETHERLANDS (1970) Weave*. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 483-4.
$5 |
N73003 |
SAN MARINO (1970) Europa. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 729-30, Yvert Nos 762-3.
$5 |
N72952 |
FRANCE (1970) Europa. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1271-2, Yvert No 1637-8.
$5 |
N67249 |
FRANCE (1970) Europa*. Philatelic First Day document with special engraving thematically related to the stamp and printed description and explanation of the stamp on the reverse. Scott Nos 1272-2, Yvert Nos 1637-8.
$10 |
N73015 |
SPAIN (1970) Europa. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 1607, Yvert No 1622.
$3 |
N85094 |
NETHERLANDS (1971) Links*. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 488-9.
$5 |
N72965 |
FRANCE (1971) Europa. Set of 2 maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1303-4, Yvert Nos 1676-7.
$5 |
N67207 |
FRANCE (1971) Europa emblem*. Basilica de la Salute-Venice*. Philatelic First Day document with special engraving thematically related to the stamp and printed description and explanation of the stamp on the reverse. Scott No 1303, Yvert No 1676.
$10 |
N67208 |
FRANCE (1971) Europa emblem*. Philatelic First Day document with special engraving thematically related to the stamp and printed description and explanation of the stamp on the reverse. Scott No 1303-4, Yvert No 1677.
$10 |
N73014 |
SPAIN (1971) Europa. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 1675-6, Yvert Nos 1686-7.
$5 |
N67197 |
FRANCE (1971) HCouncil of Europe flag*. Philatelic First Day document with special engraving thematically related to the stamp and printed description and explanation of the stamp on the reverse. Scott No 1O13, Yvert No SE33.
$10 |
N72993 |
NETHERLANDS (1972) Europa. Set of 2 maximum cards with first day cancels. Yvert Nos 958-9, Scott Nos 494-5.
$5 |
N67271 |
FRANCE (1972) Aix-la-Chapelle cathedral*. Philatelic First Day document with special engraving thematically related to the stamp and printed description and explanation of the stamp on the reverse. Scott No 1340, Yvert No 1714.
$10 |
N73012 |
SPAIN (1972) Europa. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 1717-8, Yvert Nos 1744-5.
$5 |
N59134 |
EL |
NIGER (1972) Map of Africa*. Deluxe sheet. EUROPAFRICA issue. Scott No C192, Yvert No PA192.
$10 |
N85066 |
NETHERLANDS (1973) Posthorns*. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 504-5.
$5 |
N72964 |
FRANCE (1973) Europa. Set of 2 maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1366-7, Yvert Nos 1752-3.
$5 |
N73013 |
SPAIN (1973) Symbolic posthorn. Roman mosaic of Europa on bull*. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 1752-3, Yvert Nos 1779-80.
$7 |
N72900 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1974) Sculptures*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 543-4, Yvert Nos 543-4.
$5 |
N73021 |
SWITZERLAND (1977) St. Ursanne*. Sils Baselgia*. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 627-8, Yvert Nos 1024-5.
$7 |
N37147 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1979) Europa sail*. Coats of arms*. Black print. Scott No 1127, Yvert No 1444. 5th European meeting of International Confederation of Former Prisoners of War.
$15 |
N63152 |
GERMANY (1979) European Parliament benches*. Specimen (overprinted MUSTER). Scott No 1289, Yvert No 845.
$10 |
N72984 |
NETHERLANDS (1980) Queen Wilhelmina*. Winston Churchill*. Set of 2 maximum cards with first day cancels. Yvert Nos 1138-9, Scott Nos 605-6..
$5 |
N66548 |
ND |
HUNGARY (1980) European Security and Cooperation Conference*. Imperforate S/S. Scott No 2666.
$45 |
N90387 |
ND |
MALI (1981) Hands holding map of Europe, AfricaTrain. Jet loading cars. Auto. Imperforate. EuropAfrique issue. Scott No 440, Yvert No 439.
$5 |
N60776 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1981) Fireworks*. Basket of flowers*. Set of 2 maximum cards. Scott Nos 708-9, Yvert Nos 705-6.
$8 |
N72932 |
PORTUGAL (1981) Dancer in native costume*. Painted boat*. Set of 2 maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1506-7, Yvert Nos 1509-10.
$5 |
N73019 |
SPAIN (1981) Folk dance*. Virgin of Rocio procession*. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 2236-7, Yvert Nos 2243-4.
$7 |
N73255 |
FAROE ISLANDS (1982) Vikings. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 81-2.
$5 |
N72946 |
ANDORRA (1982) Reforms. Set of 2 maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 143-4.
$5 |
N72935 |
AZORES (1982) Embarkation of heroes of Mindelo. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 333
$3 |
N72994 |
MALTA (1982) Europa. Postal card with first day cancel. Yvert Nos 649-50, Scott Nos 614-5.
$5 |
N60789 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1982) Peasant's uprising*. Imperial rule*. Set of 2 maximum cards. Scott Nos 733-4, Yvert Nos 732-3.
$8 |
N87619 |
ND |
MONACO (1982) Guelph attacking fortress*. Treaty of Perronne*. Set of 2 imperforate pairs. Scott Nos 1329-30, Yvert Nos 1322-3.
$20 |
N72931 |
PORTUGAL (1982) Embassy of King Manuel to Pope Leo X. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 1538, Yvert No 1543.
$3 |
N72966 |
FRANCE (1982) Treaties of Verdun, Rome. Set of 2 maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1827-8, Yvert Nos 2207-8.
$5 |
N73018 |
SPAIN (1982) Unification of Spain. Discovery of New World. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 2290-1, Yvert Nos 2285-6.
$7 |
N72944 |
ANDORRA (1983) La Cortinada church*. Water mill*. Set of 2 maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 153-4.
$6 |
N73020 |
SWITZERLAND (1983) Celestial globe*. Cog railway*. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 737-8, Yvert Nos 1178-9.
$7 |
N60800 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1983) St. Gall*. Ste Hildegard von Bingen*. Set of 2 maximum cards. Scott Nos 754-5, Yvert Nos 757-8.
$8 |
N72969 |
GERMANY (1983) Gutenberg press. Herzian electromagnetic waves. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1392-3, Yvert Nos 1007-8.
$5 |
N73008 |
SPAIN (1983) Scene from Don Quixote*. Niagara aerocar*. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 2325-6, Yvert Nos 2319-20.
$5 |
N72945 |
ANDORRA (1984) Stylized bridge*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 162-3.
$5 |
N85095 |
NETHERLANDS (1984) Bridges*. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 657-8.
$5 |
N72947 |
AUSTRIA (1984) Stylised bridge. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 1272, Yvert No 1601.
$3 |
N72954 |
FRANCE (1984) European parliamentary elections. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 1927, Yvert No 2306.
$3 |
N87618 |
ND |
MONACO (1985) Lully*. Prince Antoine I*. Set of 2 imperforate pairs. Scott Nos 1464-5, Yvert Nos 1459-60.
$20 |
N91858 |
FRANCE (1988) Europa*. Set of 2 Maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 2109-10, Yvert Nos 2531-2.
$10 |
N59333 |
GERMANY (1989) Council of Europe 40th anniversary*. MUSTER (Specimen) overprint. Scott No 1578, Yvert No 1254.
$15 |
N91872 |
FRANCE (1989) Children playing hopscotch*, tossing ball*. Set of 2 Maximum cards with thematic cancel.. Scott Nos 2152-3, Yvert Nos 2584-5.
$10 |
N91880 |
FRANCE (1990) Europa*. Set of 2 Maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 2218-9, Yvert Nos 2642-3.
$10 |
N60884 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1992) Discovery of America*. NYC skyline*. Set of 2 maximum cards. Scott Nos 979-80, Yvert Nos 974-5.
$8 |
N91907 |
FRANCE (1992) Single European market*. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott No 2311, Yvert No 2776.
$5 |
N88285 |
FINLAND (1994) Finnish technology*. Unaddressed FDC with cachet. Scott Nos937-8.
$5 |
N51892 |
GERMANY (1994) 4th European Parliamentary Elections*. Overprinted MUSTER (specimen). Scott No 1826, Yvert No 1552.
$7 |
N52000 |
GERMANY (1997) Europe monument, Berus*. Overprinted MUSTER (specimen). Scott No 1840, Yvert No 1764.
$7 |
N58102 |
CYPRUS (2006) Stylised hand - EUROPA*. Set of 2 specimens. Scott Nos 1053-4.
$10 |
See Also Lots:/ Voir Aussi Lots:
Lot No |
Type |
Description |
Price |
N71108 |
ND |
DAHOMEY (1969) Kenaf. Cotton. Palm oil. Set of 3 imperforate pairs. Scott Nos 262-3,C105. Yvert Nos 282-3,PA109. EuropAfrica.
$30 |
N72920 |
GUERNSEY (1982) Saman bowl. Arhaeological excavation. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 245, Yvert No 252.
$3 |
N72995 |
MALTA (1983) Megalithic temples. Postal card with first day cancel. Yvert Nos 668-9, Scott Nos 627-8.
$5 |
N73016 |
SPAIN (1978) Palace of Charles V*. La Lonja de Sevilla*.. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 2101-2, Yvert Nos 2119-20.
$5 |
N73196 |
FINLAND (1987) Modern architecture. Set of 2 maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 756-7, Yvert Nos 985-6
$6 |
N60848 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1987) Modern architecture*. Set of 2 maximum cards. Scott Nos 861-2, Yvert Nos 859-60.
$8 |
N91842 |
FRANCE (1987) Modern architecture*. Set of 2 Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 2036-7, Yvert Nos 2471-2.
$10 |
N72971 |
GREECE (1978) St. Sophia church. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott No 1255, Yvert No 1286.
$2 |
N60915 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1993) Contemporary paintings*. Set of 2 maximum cards. Scott Nos 995-6, Yvert Nos 995-6.
$8 |
N73006 |
SPAIN (1974) Sculptures of women. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 1804-5, Yvert Nos 1829-30.
$5 |
N73023 |
YUGOSLAVIA (1983) Ivo Andric*. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 1626-7, Yvert Nos 1867-8.
$7 |
N73010 |
SPAIN (1961) Stylised birds*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1010-1, Yvert Nos1044-5.
$5 |
N60838 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1986) Swallows*. Robin*. Set of 2 maximum cards. Scott Nos 829-30, Yvert Nos 834-5.
$8 |
N72979 |
IRELAND (1984) Stylised bridge. First Day postcard with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 592-3, Yvert Nos 541-2.
$10 |
N72968 |
GERMANY (1984) Stylised bridge. Set of 2 maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1415-6, Yvert Nos 1042-3.
$5 |
N73005 |
SPAIN (1984) Stylised bridge*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 2369-70, Yvert Nos 2367-8.
$5 |
N88358 |
LUXEMBOURG (1988) Electronic mail*. Integrated circuit*. Unaddressed FDC with cachet. Scott Nos 787-8.
$8 |
N82387 |
ND |
NIGER (1976) Concorde. Grain. Ships. Imperforate. Scott No 356, Yvert No 361. EuropAfrica issue.
$5 |
N72973 |
ISLE OF MAN (1981) Charms (harvest, fisherman's). Set of 2 maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 191-2, Yvert Nos 182-3.
$7 |
N70608 |
ND |
TOGO (1971) DeGaulle with Churchill, Eisenhower, JFK, Adenauer, Pope Paul VI. Set of 6 imperforate blocks of 4. Scott Nos 767-70,C144-5. Yvert Nos 699-702,PA146-7.
(Image b)
(Image c)
$100 |
N73008 |
SPAIN (1983) Scene from Don Quixote*. Niagara aerocar*. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 2325-6, Yvert Nos 2319-20.
$5 |
N73024 |
YUGOSLAVIA (1982) Ivo Visin*. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 1564-5, Yvert Nos 1867-8.
$7 |
N73244 |
ICELAND (1981) Luftur the Sorcerer*. Sea witch*. Set of 2 maximum cards. Scott Nos 541-2, Yvert Nos 518-9
$10 |
N59328 |
GERMANY (1989) Flags of EU nations*. MUSTER (Specimen) overprint. European Parliamentary Elections. Scott No 1572, Yvert No 1248.
$15 |
N72943 |
MADEIRA (1982) Sugar mills. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 82.
$4 |
N73007 |
PORTUGAL (1978) Roman tower. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 1390, Yvert No 1383.
$3 |
N73428 |
SWITZERLAND (1974) Amazon with horse*. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 595, Yvert No 955.
$5 |
N72933 |
PORTUGAL (1981) St. Peter's Cavalcade. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 322.
$3 |
N72918 |
GUERNSEY (1982) Dragonfly. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 243, Yvert No 250.
$3 |
N37399 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1978) Map of Europe*. Black proof. Scott No 1080, Yvert No 1403. 3rd Interparliamentary Conference for European Cooperation and Security.
$15 |
N76940 |
SWITZERLAND (1983) Celestial globe*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 737
$5 |
N72978 |
IRELAND (1983) Hamilton's quaternion equations. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 561-2, Yvert Nos 504-5.
$15 |
N88313 |
GREECE (1994) Thales of Miletus*. Konstantinos Karatheodoris*. Unaddressed FDC with cachet Scott No 1498.
$8 |
N90546 |
SWEDEN (1982) Celsius*. Land reform*. Unaddressed FDC with cachet and thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1401-2.
$5 |
N73425 |
SWITZERLAND (1975) Le Monch by Hodler*. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 603, Yvert No 980.
$19 |
N60829 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1985) Pan*. Muses*. Set of 2 maximum cards. Scott Nos 804-5, Yvert Nos 807-8.
$8 |
N73107 |
AUSTRIA (1985) Johann Fux*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 1311, Yvert No 1640.
$5 |
N91783 |
FRANCE (1985) Adam de la Halle*. Maximum card with thematic cancel.. Scott No 1974, Yvert No 2366.
$5 |
N72915 |
GUERNSEY (1982) Gordon Drummond - founder of Société Guernesaise.. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 240, Yvert No 247.
$3 |
N72948 |
AUSTRIA (1983) Victor Hess. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 1245, Yvert No 1572. Discoverer of cosmic rays.
$5 |
N72957 |
FRANCE (1983) Symbolic shutter*. Lens-to-screen system*. Set of 2 maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1874-5, Yvert Nos 2270-1.
$7 |
N60766 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1979) Wave field*. Sun*. Council of Europe*. Set of 3 maximum cards. CCIR issue. Scott Nos 668-70, Yvert Nos 669-71.
$10 |
N57232 |
ND |
MALI (1976) Freighter*. Plane*. Imperforate. EuropAfrica. Scott No C289, Yvert No PA285.
$5 |
N72916 |
GUERNSEY (1982) Fleet of William the Conqueror. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 241, Yvert No 248.
$3 |
N72917 |
GUERNSEY (1982) "Crescent" - ship of Sir James Saumaraz. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 242, Yvert No 249.
$3 |
N73011 |
SPAIN (1976) Lace-making. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 1942, Yvert No 1962.
$3 |
N72950 |
AUSTRIA (1982) Linz-Freistadt-Budweis horse-drawn railway. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 1217, Yvert No 1541.
$4 |
N60768 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1980) Maria Esterhazy*. Maria Theresa*. Set of 2 maximum cards. Scott Nos 685-6, Yvert Nos 682-3.
$8 |
N91984 |
FRANCE (1996) Madame de Sévigné*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Europa issue. Scott No 2521, Yvert No 3000a.
$5 |