594 Clothing/VĂȘtements
Lot No |
Type |
Description |
Price |
N27946 |
ETATS UNIS (1883) Bonneterie. VĂȘtements. Carte postale (O) avec avertissement au verso pour "Jones, Hoar & Co." vĂȘtements pour les hommes. TrĂšs beau!
$15 |
N68819 |
U.S.A. (1904) Trunk filled with women's dresses. One cent postal card (O) with illustrated ad on reverse for Woman's Innovation Trunk.
$25 |
N68822 |
U.S.A. (1922) Woman's sport coat. One cent postal card (O) with illustrated ad on reverse for woman's coats (M. Inselman of Philadelphia).
$10 |
N68818 |
U.S.A. (1927) Uniformed delivery boy carrying hat box. One cent postal card (O) with illustrated ad on reverse for Glasgow (Illinois) tailors.
$12 |
N72702 |
U.S.A. (1930) Men's shoes. Postal card (O) with illustrated advertisement on back for Menzies men's Boys' and youths' shoes.
$10 |
N30434 |
U.S.A. (1937) Dresses. Postal card (O) with advertisement on back for Fall Dresses ("Street, Dressy, Party, Crepe, Wool, Velvet Dresses").
$15 |
N14983 |
ETATS UNIS (1939) Chemises. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 89364: "Les chemises lavées par un blanchisseur sont plus belles."
$15 |
N72679 |
U.S.A. (1940) Washing machine. Violet meter cancel on fragment, P.B. No. 73880, "ABC - America's Leading Washers-Ironers."
$15 |
N76056 |
NETHERLANDS (1940) Clothing with pockets*. Red meter cancelation on piece. "100% KLEEDING. De Stuwkbracht Voor uw Verkoop."
$5 |
N72677 |
U.S.A. (1947) People playing tug-of-war with clothes. Red meter cancel on front, P.B. No. 91786, "Union-Made Work Clothes."
$15 |
N19863 |
BELGIQUE (1948) Cravates*. Entier publicitaire multicolore (N) Ă 65 centimes Publibel No 782: "Raxon."
$10 |
N29028 |
ETATS UNIS (1949) Chemises. Empreinte rouge de machine Ă affranchir sur pli Pitney Bowes No 122306:Dunham's of Maine. America's No 1 Hathaway Shirt Store.
$10 |
N39727 |
U.S.A. (1950) Tall woman* in dress*. Postal card (O) with illustrated ad for Lane Bryant Tall Sizes for Women.
$12 |
N68825 |
NETHERLANDS (1951) Women's undergarments. Red meter cancel on envelope. K. Van Gelder. 100% Kleeding.
$8 |
N68911 |
BELGIQUE (1952) Men's clothing. Postal card (O), Publibel No. 1060. Goyvaerts-Delahaye & Zoon.
$10 |
N29030 |
ETATS UNIS (1952) Homme tombant*. Empreinte violet de machine Ă affranchir sur pli Pitney Bowes No 180203:Feralun Safety Treads. Don't Slip Up On Safety!
$10 |
N68803 |
RUSSIA (1954) Girl tying sash in mirror. Illustrated postal stationery card (N).
$10 |
N29031 |
ETATS UNIS (1955) VĂȘtements. Empreinte rouge de machine Ă affranchir sur pli CC No 9210:Kuppenheimer Men's Clothes are exclusive at Frank & Seder.
$8 |
N68915 |
BELGIQUE (1956) Women's nylon stockings. Postal card (O), Publibel No. 1404. Het Grote Franse merk.
$10 |
N68831 |
GERMANY (1958) Iron. Red meter cancel on card.
$5 |
N68913 |
BELGIQUE (1959) Children's clothes. Postal card (O), Publibel No. 1537. Kinderkleding Kinderondergoed Voor alle ouderdom.
$10 |
N68914 |
BELGIQUE (1961) Underwear. Postal card (O), Publibel No. 1603. Fleur Ganda.
$10 |
N68858 |
ROMANIA (1963) Peasant with veil. Postal stationery envelope (O) with corner illustration.
$10 |
N60391 |
ND |
CONGO (1963) King Makoko's Collar*. Imperforate. Scott No 108, Yvert No 156.
$5 |
N76086 |
AUSTRIA (1966) Fashions. 2 kr postal card (O) with printed ad on reverse for modern fashions.
(Image b)
$10 |
N68912 |
BELGIQUE (1969) Jeans. Postal card (O), Publibel No. 2374F. Terrific my Salik Jeans.
$10 |
N41572 |
ND |
MAURITANIA (1969) Rahla headdress*. Imperforate. Scott No 269, Yvert No 271.
$5 |
N68916 |
BELGIQUE (1976) Women's bras. Postal card (N), Publibel No. 2697N. Molinex - Bevrijdt de Vrouw - Libere La Femme.
$10 |
N37124 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1976) Postilion's Gala Hat*. Horn*. Black proof. Scott No B340, Yvert No 1364.
$5 |
N29274 |
EP |
AUTRICHE (1979) Femme se dĂ©guisant*. Ăpreuve en noir, 50e semaine viennoise internationale de la mode fĂ©minine. Yvert No 1433, Scott No 1117. TrĂšs beau!
$20 |
N37163 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1980) Duke's hat*. Black proof. Scott No 1159, Yvert No 1477. 800th anniversary of Styria.
$7 |
N73764 |
EAST GERMANY (1984) Shoemaker's seal*. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott No 2425, Yvert No 2519.
$5 |
N55259 |
JAPAN (1986) Kyo-sensu silk fans*. Se-tenant pair with MIHON (specimen) overprint. Scott No 1614a.
$10 |
N86427 |
ND |
ANDORRA (1988) Shoemaker's last*. Imperforate pair. Scott No 361.
$10 |
N46983 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1991) "Garden Banquet" by Bays*. Black proof. Clothing & People Exhibition. Scott No 1536, Yvert No 1856.
$5 |
See Also Lots:/ Voir Aussi Lots:
Lot No |
Type |
Description |
Price |
N73499 |
HUNGARY (1967) Lady in Fur-lined Jacket by Borsos*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 1822, Yvert No 1898.
$3 |
N55154 |
JAPAN (1982) Kimono patterned with irises*. MIHON (specimen) overprint. Scott No 1497.
$5 |
N77619 |
GERMANY (1965) Owl*. Hat*. Cane*. Unaddressed FDC for Matthias Claudius issue. Scott No 917.
$10 |
N73090 |
U.S.A. (1972) Glass maker*. Silversmith*. Wig maker*. Hatter*. Set of 4 maximum cards with First Day cancel. Scott Nos 1456-9, Yvert Nos 955-8
$12 |
N12982 |
ETATS UNIS (1952) Gant*. Empreinte rouge de machine Ă affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 123306: "Les gants pour l'industrie."
$15 |
N43400 |
AUSTRALIA (1993) Baker*. Shoemaker*. Maximum card with thematic First Day cancel. Scott No 1320.
$3 |
N52559 |
TAIWAN (2000) Spring*. Strip of 6. Scott No 3285.
$20 |
N60515 |
ND |
CENTRAL AFRICA (1965) M.E.S.A.N National Promotion*. Set of 4 imperforates. Scott Nos 49-52, Yvert Nos 51-4.
$20 |
N60680 |
EL |
CENTRAL AFRICA (1965) M.E.S.A.N National Promotion*. Set of 4 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 49-52, Yvert Nos 51-4.
$30 |
N77460 |
JAPAN (1989) Tea set*. Fan*. 40+3y lottery card overprinted MIHON (specimen) with color illustration.
(Image b)
$15 |
N45228 |
JAPAN (1972) Yokohama Harbor - Customs Service*. Umbrella*. Specimen. Scott No 1131, Yvert No 1070.
$5 |
N71761 |
SS |
LIBERIA (1967) Pre-Hispanic sculpture. Serape. Olympic rings Perforate S/S. Scott No C177, Yvert No PA40. Mexico Olympics.
$5 |