589 Children/Enfant
Lot No |
Type |
Description |
Price |
N77606 |
FRANCE (1935) Nutritionists for babies. Cancel on postcard - "Amenez vos bébés à la consultation des nourrissons."
$10 |
N23009 |
ETATS UNIS (1950) Yeux. Elèves. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 306894: "Des yeux en bonne santé permettent à votre enfant de réussir à l'école."
$15 |
N49403 |
LIBERIA (1957) Child welfare center*. Set of 6 imperforate pairs. Scott Nos 364-7,C111-2.
$25 |
N71855 |
ND |
LIBERIA (1957) Child Welfare Foundation. Set of 6 imperforates. Scott Nos 364-7,C111-2. Yvert Nos 342-5,PA108-9.
$30 |
N85081 |
NETHERLANDS (1957) Nude child by Sluyters*. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott No B319.
$5 |
N85079 |
NETHERLANDS (1958) Children on scooters*. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott No B326.
$5 |
N85080 |
NETHERLANDS (1958) Children playing leapfrog*. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott No B327.
$5 |
N55578 |
RUSSIA (1959) Girl playing in autumn leaves*. Postal stationery (N).
$10 |
N37179 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1960) Youth Hiking*. Hostels*. Black print. Scott No 652, Yvert No 917.
$15 |
N10579 |
ETATS UNIS (1962) Education des enfants. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 301009: "Aidez un enfant à vivre et à apprendre créativement."
$10 |
N85158 |
SWITZERLAND (1962) Mother & child*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No B320.
$5 |
N85157 |
SWITZERLAND (1962) Girl with sunflowers*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No B321.
$5 |
N60510 |
ND |
CENTRAL AFRICA (1963) Young pioneers*. Imperforate. Scott No 27, Yvert No 29.
$5 |
N71465 |
MONACO (1963) Albert & Caroline as children. UN emblem. Yvert No 606. Scott No 535. UN Children's Charter.
$10 |
N60513 |
ND |
CENTRAL AFRICA (1964) Heads of children*. Set of 4 imperforates. Scott Nos 35-8, Yvert Nos 37-40.
$20 |
N77207 |
EP |
AFGHANISTAN (1964) Children. Complete set of 7 imperforate bl/4. Scott Nos 669-669F.
(Image b)
$50 |
N74175 |
JAPAN (1965) Ceremony of the Children's World*. Illustrated cancellation on postal card.
$15 |
N45128 |
JAPAN (1965) Yokohama children's garden*. Specimen. Scott No 839, Yvert No 800.
$5 |
N60672 |
EL |
SENEGAL (1965) Mother holding child aloft*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No C42, Yvert No PA48. International Cooperation Year.
$10 |
N60673 |
ND |
SENEGAL (1965) Mother holding child aloft*. Imperforate. Scott No C42, Yvert No PA48. International Cooperation Year.
$5 |
N29913 |
EL |
HAUTE VOLTA (1966) Enfants*. Emblème d'U.N.I.C.E.F.* Épreuve de luxe, Yvert No 176, Scott No 174.
$10 |
N29166 |
EL |
COTE D'IVOIRE (1966) Enfants*. Épreuve de luxe, UNICEF. Yvert No 257, Scott No 250.
$10 |
N37245 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1966) Child*. Black print. Scott No 777, Yvert No 1053. 10th anniversary Save The Child Society.
$20 |
N66368 |
ND |
HUNGARY (1966) Pioneer girl*. Imperforate. Scott No 1764, Yvert No 1830.
$2 |
N29165 |
EL |
MALI (1966) Enfants*. Épreuve de luxe, 20e anniversaire UNICEF. Yvert No PA37, Scott No C40.
$10 |
N77576 |
FRANCE (1967) Childen with disabilities. Cancel on envelope "Les Enfants Inadaptés ont besoin de vous."
$7 |
N37279 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1968) Child*. Black print. Scott No 843, Yvert No 1134. 20th anniversart Children's Village Movement.
$20 |
N54904 |
JAPAN (1968) Meiji Centenary*. MIHON (specimen) overprint. Scott No 943.
$5 |
N45183 |
JAPAN (1968) Youth hostels*. Specimen. Scott No 962, Yvert No 914.
$5 |
N72837 |
AUSTRIA (1969) SOS Childrens Village. Postal card (O) with corner illustration of location.
$4 |
N61154 |
RUSSIA (1971) Girl on swing*. Illustrated postal card (N).
$8 |
N43201 |
ND |
NIGER (1971) UNICEF emblem*. Imperforate pair. Scott No 251, Yvert No 256.
$7 |
N54927 |
JAPAN (1971) Family Registration System centenary*. MIHON (specimen) overprint. Scott No 1096.
$5 |
N29900 |
EL |
CENTRAFRIQUE (1972) Centre protestant pour la jeunesse*. Épreuve de luxe, Yvert No 183, Scott No 175.
$10 |
N42877 |
ND |
CENTRAL AFRICA (1972) Children*. Imperforate pair. Scott No CB4, Yvert No PA97.
$7 |
N90697 |
POLAND (1973) IL-62 airliner*. Children*. Medal*. 8zt label for Children's Health Flight (Express) on registered envelope tied by various cancels.
$5 |
N43869 |
JAPAN (1973) Child in traditional costume*. Specimen. Scott No 1138, Yvert No 1077.
$15 |
N70998 |
ND |
CENTRAL AFRICA (1974) Ambulance*. Catherine Bokassa Center*. Imperforate pair. Center for Mother and Child. Scott No 206, Yvert No 214.
$10 |
N58546 |
ND |
NIGER (1974) Infant*. Globe*. Imperforate. World population year. Scott No 297, Yvert No 301.
$5 |
N59010 |
EL |
MADAGASCAR (1974) Mother with children*. Clinic*. Deluxe sheet. World Population Year. Scott No 506, Yvert No 541.
$10 |
N66480 |
ND |
HUNGARY (1974) Motherhood*. Imperforate. Scott No 2320.
$3 |
N87341 |
INDONESIA (1976) Unexploded booklet of 9. Scott No 977a. UNICEF. Radar station.
$6 |
N43870 |
JAPAN (1976) Centenary of children's gardens*. Specimen. Scott No 1269, Yvert No 1205.
$15 |
N43194 |
ND |
NIGER (1977) Youth festival*. Set of 3 imperforates. Scott Nos 394-6, Yvert Nos 399-401.
$10 |
N61069 |
POLAND (1979) Smiling child in scout uniform*. Postal card for Order of the Smile.
$3 |
N63389 |
** |
GUINEA (1979) Childlike representations of animals, birds*. Set of 8 stamps for IYC printed but never issued.
$40 |
N49554 |
ST. VINCENT (Grenadines) (1979) Youth (IYC Issue)*. Set of 4 overprinted SPECIMEN. Scott Nos 176-9.
$15 |
N43872 |
ND |
CHAD (1979) Children*. IYC. Set of 4 imperforates. Scott Nos 374-7, Yvert Nos 365-8.
$20 |
N89053 |
CENTRAL AFRICA (1979) Year of the Child*. Set of 2 unaddressed FDCs. Scott Nos 376-9,C206-7.
$5 |
N90378 |
ND |
GUINEA-BISSAU (1979) International Year of the Child. Set of 6 imperforates. Scott Nos 396-396e.
$30 |
N75124 |
ND |
IVORY COAST (1979) SOS villages. Imperforate. Scott No 505.
$5 |
N48001 |
EL |
CAMEROUN (1979) Children*. IYC emblem*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 543, Yvert No 522. Slight reddish stain in left margin.
$10 |
N60765 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1979) Child drinking*, eating*, reading*. Set of 3 maximum cards. IYC issue. Scott Nos 665-7, Yvert Nos 666-8.
$10 |
N71789 |
ND |
LIBERIA (1979) IYC. Decade of African Child. Set of 4 imperforates Scott Nos 832-5, Yvert Nos 790-3.
$20 |
N37409 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1979) Hand* on shoulder of child*. Black proof. Scott No 1110, Yvert No 1426. International Year of the Child.
$20 |
N87380 |
THAILAND (1981) Unexploded booklet of 10. Scott No 952. Children's Day.
$10 |
N73435 |
YUGOSLAVIA (1982) Children's drawings*. Set of 2 maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1586-7, Yvert Nos 1829-30. Joy of Europe Children's Festival.
$15 |
N37492 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1983) Child looking up*. Black proof. Scott No 1234, Yvert No 1561. 75th anniversary Children's Friends Organization.
$10 |
N71825 |
ND |
LIBERIA (1984) Indigent children's home. Set of 2 imperforates Scott Nos 1013-4, Yvert Nos 1005-6.
$10 |
N86441 |
ND |
ANDORRA (1985) International Youth Year. Imperforate. Scott No 339.
$5 |
N71943 |
ND |
COMOROS (1985) International Youth Year. Set of 5 imperforates. Scott Nos 604-8, Yvert Nos 416-20.
$25 |
N71941 |
ND |
CONGO (1985) International Youth Year. Set of 5 imperforates. Scott Nos 735-9, Yvert Nos 756-60.
$20 |
N75177 |
ND |
IVORY COAST (1985) International Youth Year. Imperforate. Scott No 744.
$5 |
N48028 |
EL |
CAMEROUN (1985) UNICEF*. Set of 2 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 782-3, Yvert Nos 761-2.
$15 |
N37837 |
ST. LUCIA (1985) Youth*. Set of 4 margin singles overprinted SPECIMEN. International Youth Year. Scott Nos 791-4, Yvert Nos 779-82.
$12 |
N30168 |
EP |
SAINT-LUCIE (1985) Illustrations de la jeunesse*. Séries de 4 paires non dentelées, Année International de la jeunesse. Ces sont épreuves non dentelées aux archives de l'imprimeur. Tirage seulement une feuille (d'habitude 40 timbres). Scott Nos 791-4, Yvert Nos 779-82. Très beau!
$50 |
N55006 |
JAPAN (1985) International Youth Year*. MIHON (specimen) overprint. Scott No 1653.
$5 |
N75095 |
ND |
BURKINA FASO (1986) Mother nursing child. Imperforate. Scott No 754.
$5 |
N55229 |
JAPAN (1990) Youth Hostel Conference*. MIHON (specimen) overprint. Scott No 2057.
$5 |
N91891 |
FRANCE (1991) Children*. Bird*. Bicycle*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 2243, Yvert No 2690. PhilaJeune 1991.
$5 |
N88949 |
THAILAND (1993) Children's Day. Unaddressed FDC with cachet and thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1514-6.
$3 |
N11551 |
JAPON (1994) Enfants*. Cerf-volant*. Entier illustré de Nouvel An (N) à 41 + 3 yen surchargé "MIHON" (Spécimen).
(Image b)
$25 |
N43289 |
AUSTRALIA (1994) Families*. Set of 3 maximum cards with thematic First Day cancel. Scott Nos 1372-4.
(Image b)
$7 |
N45447 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1994) Hermann Gmeiner*. Black proof. Founder of SOS Children's Village. Scott No 1656, Yvert No 1958.
$5 |
N51586 |
GERMANY (1994) Children spelling "FAMILIE"*. Dog*. International Year of the Family with MUSTER (specimen) overprint. Scott No 1821, Yvert No 1543.
$15 |
N51654 |
GERMANY (1996) Hands*. UNICEF 50th anniversary issue overprinted MUSTER (specimen). Scott No 1935, Yvert No 1701.
$15 |
N62640 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (2011) African child*. 25 years of CARE*. Black print.
$10 |
N66015 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (2012) Children circling globe*. Black print. Youth Philately.
$15 |
See Also Lots:/ Voir Aussi Lots:
Lot No |
Type |
Description |
Price |
N67213 |
FRANCE (1971) Stylized family*. Light*. Scott No 1309. Yvert No 1682. Aid to rural families. Philatelic First Day document with special engraving thematically related to the stamp and printed description and explanation of the stamp on the reverse
$10 |
N76054 |
ROMANIA (1962) Child with scarf*. 55 lei postal stationery envelope (O) with stamp and painting by Nicolae Grigorescu.
$5 |
N76055 |
ROMANIA (1962) Young boy with talking stick*. 55 lei postal stationery envelope (O) with stamp and painting by Nicolae Grigorescu.
$5 |
N57957 |
ND |
MALI (1982) "Boy with Cherries" by Manet*. Imperforate dated corner block of 4. Scott No C484, Yvert No PA457.
$25 |
N61118 |
YUGOSLAVIA (1993) Boy with cat*. Circus Rider*. FDC. Europa paintings. Scott Nos 2225-6, Yvert Nos 2495-6.
$5 |
N66032 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (2012) Sleeping child*. Black print. Painting by Strozzi.
$20 |
N67260 |
FRANCE (1970) The Triumph of Flora*. Philatelic First Day document with special engraving thematically related to the stamp and printed description and explanation of the stamp on the reverse. Scott No 1274, Yvert No 1641.
$10 |
N75146 |
ND |
IVORY COAST (1976) Children's Literature*. Imperforate. Scott No 410.
$5 |
N52577 |
TAIWAN (2001) Children's rhymes*. Set of 4. Scott Nos 3354-7.
$15 |
N10598 |
U.S.A. (1940) Boys' Good Drivers League. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 58474: "Help Boys Enroll! Ford Good Drivers League."
$15 |
N61153 |
RUSSIA (1970) Children flying model airplanes*. Illustrated postal card (N).
$8 |
N77231 |
AUSTRIA (1954) Balloon. Illustrated postcard sent by balloon with appropriate cancels and commemorating World Children's Day.
(Image b)
$15 |
N77405 |
RUSSIA (1962) Schoolchildren on bicycles*. 3 kop postal card (N) with photo on reverse.
(Image b)
$10 |
N45450 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1994) Godmother's bowl*. Black proof. Scott No 1635, Yvert No 1946.
$5 |
N37832 |
ST. VINCENT (1985) Children's drawings*. Set of 3 margin singles overprinted SPECIMEN. Scott Nos 903-5, Yvert Nos 898-900.
$10 |
N45401 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1998) Pied Piper of Kornenberg*. Black proof. Scott No 1746, Yvert No 2070.
$5 |
N91872 |
FRANCE (1989) Children playing hopscotch*, tossing ball*. Set of 2 Maximum cards with thematic cancel.. Scott Nos 2152-3, Yvert Nos 2584-5.
$10 |
N55213 |
JAPAN (1989) Yokohama EXPO (space & children)*. MIHON (specimen) overprint. Scott No 1824.
$5 |
N89198 |
NIGER (1969) Children's toys* and games*. Unaddressed FDC with cachet and thematic cancel. Nuremberg International Toy Fair. Scott No C113, Yvert No PA113.
$4 |
N68701 |
EP |
U.S.A. (1970) Christmas toys. Train. Horse. Tricycle. Baby carriage. USPS publicity photo essay. Scott Nos 1415-8, Yvert Nos 907-10.
$10 |
N68713 |
EP |
U.S.A. (1974) Retarded child. USPS publicity photo essay. Scott No 1549, Yvert No 1037.
$10 |
N13106 |
ETATS UNIS (1961) Vaccins pour les enfants. Empreinte noire de machine Ă affranchir sur pli Pitney Bowes No 290661: "Continuez Ă vacciner votre enfant."
$10 |
N57959 |
ND |
MALI (1965) Schweitzer*. Sick child*. Imperforate corner pair. Scott No C32, Yvert No PA32.
$10 |
N71312 |
ND |
LAOS (1962) Boy*. Girl*. Mosquito*. Malaria eradication symbol*. Partial set of 2 imperforate margin pairs of Malaria Eradication issue. Scott Nos 74-5, Yvert Nos 79-80.
$40 |
N82483 |
ND |
SOMALI COAST (1966) Infant*. Sun*. Skulls*. Imperforate. Fight against tuberculosis. Scott No B16, Yvert No 324.
$5 |
N91030 |
RUSSIA (1954) Children building snowman*. 40 kop illustrated postal card.
$5 |
N76964 |
ROMANIA (2001) Children playing around mushrooms*. Set of 2 illustrated postal cards (N).
$10 |
N55106 |
JAPAN (1979) Evening Glow*. Japanese song issue with MIHON (specimen) overprint. Scott No 1376.
$5 |
N55033 |
JAPAN (1981) Lullaby*. Japanese song issue with MIHON (specimen) overprint. Scott No 1397.
$5 |
N91026 |
RUSSIA (1954) Children enjoying a sunny day in the park*. 40 kop illustrated postal card.
$5 |
N62887 |
CZECHOSLOVAKIA (1967) Parents with dead children*. Maximum card. Freedom & Peace in Vietnam. Scott No 1442a, Yvert No 1538.
$5 |
N77353 |
ROMANIA (1994) Child slaying cigarettes with sword*. 60 lei entire with corner anti-smoking illustration.
$5 |
N31043 |
JAPAN (1978) Child doing gymnastics*. Specimen (MIHON) overprint on stamp commemorating 50th anniversary of Radio Gymnastics Exercise Program. Scott No 1344, Yvert No 1264. Special!
$10 |
N77591 |
FRANCE (1975) Umbrella*. Rabbits*. Mushrooms*. Girl on swing*. FDC with official cachet and special cancel. Scott Nos B481-2, Yvert Nos 1860-1.
$10 |
N51967 |
GERMANY (2002) Children's Church*. Overprinted MUSTER (specimen). Scott No 2161.
$7 |
N61007 |
LUXEMBOURG (1982) Youth hostels*. Scouting year*. FDC with cachet. Scott Nos 680-1, Yvert Nos 1010-1.
$3 |
N61150 |
RUSSIA (1959) Children playing with toy sailboat in stream*. Pictorial postal card (N).
$8 |
N60900 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1994) Letter writing*. Set of 4 maximum cards. Scott Nos 1025-8, Yvert Nos 1026-9.
$12 |
N60890 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1995) Letter writing*. Set of 4 maximum cards. Scott Nos 1061-4, Yvert Nos 1052-5.
$12 |
N76495 |
ND |
LAOS (1965) Mother and child*. Corner imperforate. 6th anniversary of Mother and Child Protection Movement. Scott No 114, Yvert No 119.
$5 |
N70622 |
EL |
COTE D'IVOIRE (1971) Enfants de race differentes. Séries de 2 épreuves de luxe, année internationale de la lutte contre le racisme. Yvert Nos 322-3, Scott Nos 319-20.
$20 |
N91781 |
FRANCE (1985) Pauline Kergomard*. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Kergomard était l'inspiratrice et l'inspéctrice de l'école maternelle, cofondratice de l'union français pour le sauvetage de l'enfance et la Societé contre la mendicité des enfants. Yvert No 2361, Scott No 1966.
$5 |