LEGEND | Bid Sheet (English) | Ordre d'achat (Français) |
Lot No | Type | Description | Price |
6031 | ENT | ITALY (1923) Mechanical wine press*. Bottle of Marsala*. Clothing*. Liquors. Maritime passenger service. Draperies. Diesel and motor fuel. Barges & boats. Footwear. Cutlery. Surgical and scientific equipment. Postal lettercard (N) with BLP stamp affixed and multiple advertisements on inside and out. This one is missing the insert. Series Regionale B-1. (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) | AVAILABLE AT $160 |
6032 | ENT | ITALY (1923) Vermouth. Purified water. Fruitcake. Ice cream. Men's clothing. Motorized bicycle*. Ice. Pharmacy. Stamp dealer. Drugs. Chemical industry. Silverware. Deodorant. Rubber. Pep pills. . Restaurant supplies. Sulfur baths. Triumph typewriter*. B.L.P. lettercard (N) with stamps affixed and multiple advertisements on inside and out and on insert. (Image b) (Image c) | AVAILABLE AT $200 |
6033 | ENT | ITALY (1923) Sicilian wine. Marsala. Muscat. Iron works. Express courier. Electric motors. Tailored shirts. Sila purgative water. Postal lettercard (N) with BLP stamp affixed and multiple advertisements on inside and out. This one is missing the insert and the return portion of the envelope. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $100 |
12036 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1946) Porto. Santé. Fille*. Empreinte de machine à affranchir or (couleur rare) sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 64632. Les E.M.A. sur le vin sont peu courantes aux Etats-Unis. "Buvez du vin pour votre santé, porto de Californie, marque Fille Italienne."" 415"" | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
18075 | EA | SENEGAL (1969) Bambara antelope*. Die proof in orange signed by the engraver MONVOISIN. 20th anniversary of WHO. Scott No 311, Yvert No 316. Only 28 copies printed. Rare! | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
12083 | ENT | U.S.A. (1932) Moose*. Hunting magazine*. Blood. One cent postal card (N) with advertising for "Outdoor Life, the complete magazine for red-blooded outdoorsmen." | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
6276 | ND | BELGIUM (1975) Metamorphose by Pol Mara. Imperforate. Scott No 932, Yvert No 1766. Queen Fabiola Mental Health Foundation. | AVAILABLE AT $10 |
331 | EA | WALLIS & FUTUNA (1985) Dr. Schweitzer*. Pipe Organ*. Stained glass window*. Die proof in black signed by the engraver BETEMPS. Scott No 330. Yvert No 334. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
9358 | EP | SRI LANKA (2007) Crab*. Imperforate proof pair. Zodiac series (Cancer). | AVAILABLE AT $110 |
24274 | FISC | FRANCE (1962) Johannes Kepler. Fiscal stamp affixed to lottery ticket benefiting war victims. Rare and unusual! | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
9372 | MAX | FRANCE (1946) Henri Becquerel*. Maximum card with Penicillin Expo cancel. Scott No B202. Yvert No 749. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
15370 | SPE | JAPAN (1966) Cobalt treatment unit*. Overprinted MIHON (specimen). Scott No B32, Yvert No 854. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
375 | ESS | MONACO (1976) J. Giono*. Louis-Pasteur Vallery-Radot*. M. Garçon*. Trial color proof strip of 3. Scott No 1016, Yvert No 1050. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
376 | ESS | MONACO (1976) J. Giono*. Louis-Pasteur Vallery-Radot*. M. Garçon*. Trial color. Scott No 1016, Yvert No 1050. | AVAILABLE AT $10 |
377 | ESS | MONACO (1976) J. Giono*. Louis-Pasteur Vallery-Radot*. M. Garçon*. Trial color proof pair. Scott No 1016, Yvert No 1050. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
9398 | EA | MONACO (1976) J. Giono*. Louis-Pasteur Vallery-Radot*. M. Garçon*. P. Guth. F. Marceau. F. Nourissier. Die proof in dark blue signed by the artist LAMBERT and the engraver BETEMPS. Scott No 1016, Yvert No 1050. | AVAILABLE AT $160 |
3480 | EA | MALI (1963) Air ambulance*. Die proof in blue signed by the engraver MIERMONT. Scott No C16, Yvert No PA16. | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
483 | ND | GUINEA-BISSAU (2006) Helicopter*. Police car*. Ambulance*. Fire truck*. Set of 4 imperforates with decorative borders. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
3560 | EMA | U.S.A. (1939) Bicycles. Velocipedes. Red meter cancellation on envelope Pitney Bowes No 8878?: "Colson Bicycles, Velocipedes, Casters, Trucks and Hospital Equipment." | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
811 | EL | FRANCE (1968) Hospital beds*. Paris Opera*. Leon Bailey*. Deluxe sheet. 50th anniversary Children's Hospital Fund "The Little White Beds." Scott No 1225, Yvert No 1575. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
15911 | FDC | ZIMBABWE (1987) UN child survival program. FDC addressed to the UK. Scott Nos 541a-d. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
21774 | SPE | GERMANY (1978) Janus Korczak*. MUSTER (specimen) overprint. Physician and proponent of children's rights. Scott No 1274. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
24738 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1937) Cinéma. Médecine. Empreinte violette de machine à affranchir spécimen sur fragment: "Bientôt au cinéma Roxy, Loretta Young, Warner Baxter, Virginia Bruce dans 'Femme, Médecin et Infirmière'." Rare! | AVAILABLE AT $65 |
21857 | EP | AUSTRIA (2020) Red-nosed clown doctors*. Black print. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
15938 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1939) Chaussures. Empreinte violette de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 91482: "Health Spot Shoes. La bonne voie pour la santé de pieds." | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
12865 | EP | AUSTRIA (2006) Weitensfeld Kranzelreiten*. Black proof. Carinthian traditional horse race recalling the Black Plague. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
12953 | EMA | U.S.A. (1950) Electric bed*. Red meter cancellation on piece Commercial Controls Corporation No 9839: "The Camp Bell Bed, electrically operated." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
22236 | EL | SOMALI COAST (1966) Aloe*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 308, Yvert No 327. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
7233 | ENT | CANADA (1897) Death Notice. Postal card (O) of Victoria Lodge No 1, A.O.U.W. with listing on back of member death from Pneumonia. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
4409 | EA | FRANCE (1960) La Bourboule*. Die proof in green signed by the engraver COMBET. La Bourboule, in the volcanic Auvergne region, is famed for its thermal springs. Scott No 966, Yvert No 1256. Beautiful! | AVAILABLE AT $160 |
4424 | ESS | UPPER VOLTA (1976) Blind man & woman*. Trial color proofs in full sheet of 25. Fight against onchocerciasis. Scott No 395, Yvert No 383. | AVAILABLE AT $400 |
7288 | EL | FRANCE (1964) Technicien* dans une chaise roulante travaillant dans un laboratoire. Scott No 1083. Yvert No 1405. Reclassement professionnel des paralysés. Epreuve de luxe. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
22346 | ND | CONGO (1977) Child leading blind woman across street*. Imperforate corner block of 4. Scott No 419, Yvert No 469. World Health Day. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
4441 | EP | GERMANY (1970) Hands*. Patient in hospital bed with EKG*. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design honoring voluntary services. Scott No 1024, Yvert No 491. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
1392 | ND | NIGERIA (1992) Anatomy of heart*. Blood pressure machine*.Anatomy of chest cavity*. Set of 4 imperforate pairs. World Health Day. Scott Nos 594-7, Yvert Nos 604-7. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
4452 | EA | SENEGAL (1972) Médecin*. Malade*. Electrocardiograph*. Épreuve d'artiste en vert signée par le graveur DURRENS. Mois mondial du coeur. Scott No 360, Yvert No 364. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
7313 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1955) Coeur*. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 05195: "Un bon conseil pour une bonne santé: "Ne vous fatiguez pas. Epargnez votre coeur." | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
10330 | EA | CHAD (1972) Heart*. Scott No 251. Yvert No 244. International Heart Month. Die proof in black signed by the engraver HALEY. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
10332 | EA | SENEGAL (1972) Coeur*. Épreuve d'artiste en verte signée par le graveur DURRENS. Mois mondial du coeur. Scott No 359, Yvert No 363. Tirage seulement 28 exemplaires. Rare couleur! | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
10333 | EL | CAMEROUN (1973) Coeurs*. Épreuve de luxe, 25e anniversaire de l'O.M.S. Yvert No PA213, Scott No C199. Difficile à trouver! | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
13269 | EL | CHAD (1972) Heart*. Scott No 251. Yvert No 244. International Heart Month. Deluxe sheet. | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
13270 | ND | SENEGAL (1972) Heart*. WHO emblem*. Imperforate corner block of 4. World Health Month. Scott No 359, Yvert No 363. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
13273 | ND | CONGO (1978) Heart*. Electrocardiogram*. Imperforate corner block of 4. Fight against hypertension. Scott No 487, Yvert No 532. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
13274 | VAR | NIGERIA (1992) Anatomy of heart*. Blood pressure machine*.Anatomy of chest cavity*. Misperforated M/S of 4. Each stamp is split in 4 parts! Scott No 597a, Yvert No BF11. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
13275 | ND | NIGERIA (1992) Anatomy of heart*. Blood pressure machine*.Anatomy of chest cavity*. Imperforate M/S of 4. Scott No 597a, Yvert No BF11. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
25129 | OBL | GERMANY (1938) Thermal springs. Illustrated cancellation promoting the thermal springs and fresh air spa of Bad Liebenzell. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
25130 | OBL | GERMANY (1939) Heart. Promotional cancel for Bad Nauheim Spa on postcard: "Bad Nauheim, the world healing spa for the heart." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
4526 | EMA | U.S.A. (1959) Indian chief in headdress*. Attractive red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 184460: There's a Reason Why More Hospitals Use American's Planning Service. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
13333 | EA | CAMEROUN (1954) Tse-tse flies. Doctor Jamot*. Men peering through microscopes*. Sleeping sickness. Die proof in violet signed by the engraver PHEULPIN. Scott No C33. Yvert No PA54. 75th anniversary of birth of Dr. Jamot. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
13334 | EA | CAMEROUN (1954) Tse-tse flies. Doctor Jamot*. Men peering through microscopes*. Sleeping sickness. Hand-colored die proof signed by the engraver PHEULPIN. Scott No C33. Yvert No PA54. 75th anniversary of birth of Dr. Jamot. | AVAILABLE AT $250 |
13335 | ESS | CAMEROUN (1954) Tse-tse flies. Doctor Jamot*. Men peering through microscopes*. Sleeping sickness. Trial color proofs in strip of 5. Scott No C33. Yvert No PA54. 75th anniversary of birth of Dr. Jamot. | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
4588 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1951) Assurance. Médecine. Empreinte bleue de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 59614: "La couverture Blue Cross-L'hôpital payé d'avance." | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
13394 | EL | FRANCE (1986) François ARAGO*. Graph*. Stars*. Deluxe sheet. Arago proposed that light traveled slower through water. He also explained why stars twinkle, and developed the first electromagnet. As a politician, he issued decrees abolishing slavery in the French colonies. Scott No B575, Yvert No 2396. Interesting guy! | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
1533 | EL | FRANCE (1987) Follereau*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 2028, Yvert No 2453. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
10446 | EP | CAMEROUN (1962) Lions emblem*. Leper*. Scott No B35. Yvert No 337. World Leprosy Day. Sepia Printer's Die Proof. Only 4 copies printed. Very rare! | AVAILABLE AT $325 |
22461 | ND | MALI (1985) Marchoux*. Lions emblem*. Laboratory*. Leprosy. Set of 2 imperforate blocks of 4. Scott Nos 520-1, Yvert Nos 519-20 | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
10590 | EA | NIGER (1978) Follereau*. Lepers*. Scott No 423-4. Yvert No 432-3. Die Proofs signed by the engraver BETEMPS. Only 28 sets printed. Rare! (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $275 |
10627 | EA | SENEGAL (1969) School of Medicine & Pharmacology*. Die proof in black signed by the engraver MONVOISIN. 20th anniversary of WHO. Scott No 311, Yvert No 315. Only 28 copies printed. Rare! | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
25381 | ENT | AUSTRIA (1906) Typewriter*. Tea. Beauty creme. Bitter water. Budapest Orpheum theatre. Nursing supplies. Goldsmith. Furniture. Mourning goods. Piano & harmonium. Attractive 5 Heller multicolor postal stationery (N) with multiple advertising, Series 13. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $225 |
4861 | ENT | BAVARIA (1908) Orchestra playing*. Harp*. Singers*. Men drinking mineral water*. Fish*. Wine*. Food*. 5pf postal card with lovely Kirchweih illustration on back. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
22724 | SPE | GERMANY (1998) Hildegard von Bingen*. MUSTER (specimen) overprint. Scott No 1998, Yvert No 1813. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
1893 | ND | CHAD (1969) Napoleon*. Set of 3 imperforates Scott Nos C57-9, Yvert Nos PA61-3. Attractive! | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
1908 | ND | CENTRAL AFRICA (1965) M.E.S.A.N National Promotion*. Set of 4 imperforate pairs. Scott Nos 49-52, Yvert Nos 51-4. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
22779 | SPE | GERMANY (1975) Albert Schweitzer*. MUSTER (specimen) overprint. Scott No 1160. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
10853 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1952) Microscope*. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur pli Pitney Bowes No 189839: "Nous nous occupons de votre santé." | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
25483 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1948) Microscope*. Superbe empreinte violette de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 51425: "Spencer, le premier microscope américain." | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
13803 | ENT | ETATS UNIS (1941) Hypnotisme. Automobiles anciennes. Entier publicitaire (O) Ã 1 cent. "The Institute of Mentalphysics." | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
22823 | ND | MALI (1979) Freud*. Imperforate block of 4. Scott No 345, Yvert No 346. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
7908 | EL | NEW CALEDONIA (1948) Kagu*. Ducos Sanatorium*. Porcupine Isle*. Nickel Foundry*. Towers of Notre Dame*. Chieftain's Hut*. Complete set of 19 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 276-94, Yvert Nos 259-77. Dallay catalog 350 Euros. (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) (Image e) | AVAILABLE AT $200 |
10884 | EL | CAMEROUN (1966) Hotels*. Health Center*. Set of 3 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 432-4, Yvert Nos 417-9. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
2066 | EL | FRANCE (1980) Tobacco*. Deluxe sheet. Anti-smoking Campaign. Scott No 1698, Yvert No 2080. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
22914 | ND | MALI (1980) Pistol* "shooting" smoking cigarette*. Lungs* with bullet holes*. Imperforate corner block of 4. Scott No 395, Yvert No 396. Fight against tobacco addiction. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
22915 | SPE | GERMANY (1984) Match burning (anti-smoking campaign)*. MUSTER (Specimen) overprint. Scott No 1429, Yvert No 1062. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
22919 | ND | NEW CALEDONIA (1988) Elliptic yellowwood (Ochrosia elliptica)*. Imperforate pair. Scott No 578, Yvert No 556. Medicinal plants. | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
10946 | EA | MONACO (1958) Pius X*. Underground basilica*. Die proof in black signed by the engraver MUNIER. Lourdes Centenary. Scott No C52, Yvert No PA70. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
10947 | EA | MONACO (1958) Pius X*. Underground basilica*. Stage die proof in brown marked "1/4" signed by the engraver MUNIER. Lourdes Centenary. Scott No C52, Yvert No PA70. | AVAILABLE AT $225 |
25609 | EMA | U.S.A. (1954) Radio microphone*. AMA Presidential inauguration. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 137423: "Tune In, AMA President Inauguration. ABC Network - June 22." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
2150 | EL | FRANCE (1977) Santons de Provence: chemineau* et guérisseuse*. Set of 2 deluxe sheets. Yvert Nos 1959-60. Scott Nos B503-4. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
8064 | EL | FRANCE (1966) Ambulancière (1859)*. Infirmière (1966)*. Yvert No 1508-9. Scott No B402-3. Epreuves de luxe. | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
8069 | EP | BELGIUM (1977) Dr. Albert Hustin. Ministerial proof. Scott No B950, Yvert No 1834. Noted for blood transfusions. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
8070 | EP | BELGIUM (1977) Joint. Ministerial proof. Scott No B951, Yvert No 1835. Rheumatism year. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
11000 | EP | LIBERIA (1954) Red Cross*. Proof of vignette and lettering only from hospital series. Scott No CB4, Yvert No PA73 | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
11015 | EA | FRANCE (1977) Croix Rouge. Chemineau*. Guérisseuse*. Yvert No 1959-60. Scott No B503-4. Santons de Provence. Epreuves d'artiste en sépia signées par le graveur GANDON. Tirage: seulement 23 exemplaires. Rare! (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $275 |
5265 | EP | GERMANY (1961) St. Elizabeth of Thuringia*. Photo essay (See Note) of accepted design for saint who built a hospital for the poor. Scott No 825, Yvert No 221. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
5271 | EP | GERMANY (1963) Man on horse offering cape*. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design for issue honoring German Catholic Misereor campaign against hunger and illness. Scott No 856, Yvert No 263. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
5272 | EP | GERMANY (1963) Man offering bowl of food*. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design for issue honoring German Catholic Misereor campaign against hunger and illness. Scott No 856, Yvert No 263. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
5273 | EP | GERMANY (1963) Bird feeding nestlings*. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design for issue honoring German Catholic Misereor campaign against hunger and illness. Scott No 856, Yvert No 263. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
8130 | ESS | FRANCE (1981) St. Hubert kneeling before stag*. Trial color proof strip of 5. Scott No 1778, Yvert No 2171. Patron saint of hunters, mathematicians, opticians and metalworkers, his name is also invoked to cure rabies. | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
11033 | EA | MONACO (1958) Bouriette kneeling*. Die proof in violet signed by the engraver HERTENBERGER. Lourdes Centenary. Scott No 415, Yvert No 495. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
14042 | EP | AUSTRIA (1990) "Christ Healing the Sick" by Rembrandt*. Black proof. Christus Medicus Congress. Scott No 1507, Yvert No 1823. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
19512 | EP | GERMANY (1964) Wheels. Drops of blood. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design for 80th meeting of German Catholics. Scott No 896, Yvert No 309. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
23064 | EA | MONACO (2008) Bernadette. Lourdes. Die proof in black signed by the engraver ANDREOTTO. Scott No 2487. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
25644 | EL | FRANCE (1981) St. Hubert kneeling before stag*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 1778, Yvert No 2171. Patron saint of hunters, mathematicians, opticians and metalworkers, his name is also invoked to cure rabies. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
11072 | L | U.S.A. (1936) Lutheran Sanatorium. Crib*. Baby Jesus*. Christmas. Multicolor Christmas seal tied to postcard by neat Kansas city circular postmark on Christmas postcard franked by 1 cent Franklin, Scott No 552. Scarce! | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
25651 | EMA | U.S.A. (1940) Lutheran Sanitorium. Magi*. Star of Bethlehem*. Attractive red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 101291: "Merry Christmas. Lutheran Sanitorium. Christian charity through Christmas seals." Hard to find! | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
2235 | EP | GHANA (1997) Paul Harris*. Administrating polio vaccine*. Imperforate proof of stamp and S/S mounted in House of Questa folder. Scott Nos 1936-7. Only a few exist. | AVAILABLE AT $160 |
2240 | EP | GUYANA (1997) Paul Harris*. Doctors holding babies*. Imperforate proof of stamp and S/S mounted in House of Questa folder. Scott Nos 3194-5. Only a few exist. | AVAILABLE AT $160 |
11095 | EP | LIBERIA (1979) Ambulance. Nurse. Boy in wheelchair. Community service. Imperforate proof mounted on card from Format International Security Printers. Scott No 862, Yvert No 862. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
14085 | VAR | BOLIVIA (1995) Rotary*. Hospitals for children. Bird*. Nature preservation. Imperforate S/S not listed in Scott. Michel Block 216. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
17052 | EL | NEW CALEDONIA (1988) Rotary emblem*. Polio.*. Deluxe sheet. Anti-polio campaign. Scott No C215, Yvert No PA260. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
11111 | ND | UNITED NATIONS (GENEVA) (1992) Doctor*. Nurse*. Imperforate pair. Science & Technology Development. Scott No 222. From the UN printer archives. | AVAILABLE AT $75 |
23108 | SPE | GERMANY (1994) Hermann Helmholz*. Eye*. Color triangle*. MUSTER (specimen) overprint. Scott No 1867, Yvert No 1583. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
25671 | EP | AUSTRIA (1981) Johann Florian Heller*. Black print. Scott No 1183, Yvert No 1505. Pioneer of urinalysis. 11th International Clinical Chemistry Congress. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
17108 | SPE | ST. KITTS (1982) Turtle*. Bandaged hand*. Lifesaver*. Set of three, 75th anniversary of scouting, overprinted SPECIMEN and mounted in special presentation pack. Scott Nos 99-101, Yvert Nos 518-520. Beautiful! (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
25766 | FISC | FRANCE (1964) Satellite. Mont St. Michel. Fiscal stamp affixed to lottery ticket benefiting war victims. Rare and unusual! | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
2394 | SPE | GERMANY (1989) Physical fitness*. MUSTER (Specimen) overprint. Scott No B688, Yvert No 1282. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
11288 | ND | UNITED NATIONS (GENEVA) (1988) Health in Sports. Imperforate pair. Scott No 169. From the UN printer archives. | AVAILABLE AT $75 |
25878 | OBL | GERMANY (1939) Capercaille*. Promotional cancel for Hahnenklee-Bockswiese Spa on postcard: "Climatic spa and Winter Sports." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
11427 | ND | UNITED NATIONS (VIENNA) (1988) Skiing*. Imperforate pair. Health in Sports. Scott No 84. From the UN printer archives. | AVAILABLE AT $75 |
11480 | ND | UNITED NATIONS (VIENNA) (1988) Tennis*. Imperforate pair. Health in Sports. Scott No 85. From the UN printer archives. | AVAILABLE AT $75 |
25959 | EMA | U.S.A. (1950) Horse*. Buggy*. Whip*. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 137704: "Saratoga Ointment." | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
5673 | EL | CAMEROUN (1971) Jamot Memorial*. Stamp*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No C171, Yvert No PA186. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
5697 | EMA | U.S.A. (1956) Sun*. Nutrition. Red meter cancellation on cover Pitney Bowes No 136190: "Bright all Day? Try the Better Breakfast Way." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
19815 | ESS | ZAIRE (1982) Medical helicopters*. Set of 7 progressive proofs including final colors. Scott No 1043. World Telecommunications Day & Health Care Delivery. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
19816 | ESS | ZAIRE (1982) Doctor dialing rotary phone*. Set of 5 progressive proofs including final colors. Scott No 1044. World Telecommunications Day & Health Care Delivery. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
19817 | ESS | ZAIRE (1982) Satellite dish*. Map of Southern Europe*. Set of 6 progressive proofs including final colors. Scott No 1045. World Telecommunications Day & Health Care Delivery. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
19818 | ESS | ZAIRE (1982) Elderly patient in bed*. Set of 6 progressive proofs including final colors. Scott No 1046. World Telecommunications Day & Health Care Delivery. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
19820 | ESS | ZAIRE (1982) Nurse with baby bottle*. Set of 5 progressive proofs including final colors. Scott No 1048. World Telecommunications Day & Health Care Delivery. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
19821 | ESS | ZAIRE (1982) Computer tapes*. Set of 6 progressive proofs including final colors. Scott No 1049. World Telecommunications Day & Health Care Delivery. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
19822 | ESS | ZAIRE (1982) Newborn baby*. Handheld radio*. Set of 6 progressive proofs including final colors. Scott No 1050. World Telecommunications Day & Health Care Delivery. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
26010 | FISC | FRANCE (1964) Telecommunications array and satellite. Fiscal stamp affixed to lottery ticket benefiting war victims. Rare and unusual! | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
26183 | ENT | GERMANY (1910) Luggage*. Corset*. Woman with exotic headdress*. Beer. Colonial goods & delicacies. Palm trees, Fresh fruit. Cigars. Electro and light therapy. Massage. Linens. Coffee. Tea. Chocolate. Drugstore. 5 pfennig letter-sheet (N) with multiple advertisements. Excellent condition. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $450 |
11719 | ESS | GABON (1968) WHO headquarters*. Trial color plate proof in strip of 5 with multicolor. 20th anniversary of WHO. Scott No 226, Yvert No 225. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
5906 | OBL | FRANCE (1957) Woman holding glass of Vichy water*. Illustrated cancel on envelope: VICHY - La Reine des Villes d'eaux. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
8863 | EP | BELGIUM (1968) Kursaal spa and fountain. Ministerial proof. Scott No 652, Yvert No 1462. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
8873 | EL | FRANCE (1988) Thermal Springs*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 2136, Yvert No 2556. | AVAILABLE AT $45 |
23625 | ENT | GERMANY (1968) Ornamental fountains at Bad Nauheim. Postal card (O) with corner illustration. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
8886 | EP | BELGIUM (1968) Windmill in Bokrijk. Ministerial proof. Scott No 653, Yvert No 1461. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
2873 | ENT | JAPAN (1899) Geisha dance*. 1-1/2 sen postal card (N) with color photo on front of Geisha-Tanz in Tokio. | AVAILABLE AT $150 |
8896 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1958) Pudeur. Vierge vestale*. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 134385: "La purité vestale: le symbole de qualité en hygiène." | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
19955 | EL | GABON (1964) Telephone operator*. Nurse*. Policewoman*. Deluxe sheet. Social evolution of Gabonese women. Scott No C28, Yvert No PA30. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
23658 | SPE | GERMANY (1975) Convalescent Mother's Foundation*. MUSTER (specimen) overprint. Scott No 1154. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
17920 | LOC | YEMEN (1948) Opening of Mutawakkili hospital. Visit of President Truman. Strip of 3 overprinted (but never officially issued) for President Truman's visit to Yemen. Rare! | AVAILABLE AT $60 |