LEGEND | Bid Sheet (English) | Ordre d'achat (Français) |
Lot No | Type | Description | Price |
18002 | EMA | U.S.A. (1950) Seeds. Red meter cancellation on cover Pitney Bowes No 313536: "Burpee Seeds Grow." | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
9039 | ESS | MAURITANIA (1960) Camel*. Hand raising flag*. Flower*. Trial color proof strip of 5 with multicolor. Scott No 116, Yvert No 138. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
15113 | OBL | ETATS UNIS (1935) Lapin tenant fleur*. Oblitération Fancy de Palestine, Ohio. Une marque en violet sur pli, inscrit "Voeux de Pâques." Très beau! | AVAILABLE AT $65 |
15232 | ND | NEW CALEDONIA (1975) Stylized flower*. Imperforate margin block of 4. ARPHILA 75 issue. Scott No C126, Yvert No PA166. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
237 | ND | MONACO (1976) "Fritillaria" by Van Gogh*. Imperforate block of 4. International Flower Show. Scott No 1022, Yvert No 1056. Maury catalog 400 €. | AVAILABLE AT $75 |
15320 | EP | AUSTRIA (2022) "Donkey Thistle" by Lois Weinberger*. Black print. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
18221 | EL | CONGO (1968) "Negro Woman Arranging Peonies"* painting by Bazille. Deluxe sheet. Scott No C66, Yvert No PA66. | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
21292 | SPE | GERMANY (1979) "Birds in Garden" by Klee*. Specimen (overprinted MUSTER). Scott No 1303, Yvert No 879. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
21295 | ND | WALLIS & FUTUNA (1981) Vase of flowers by Cezanne*. Imperforate corner block of 4. Scott No C108, Yvert No PA110. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
21296 | ND | WALLIS & FUTUNA (1981) Vase of flowers by Cezanne*. Imperforate pair. Scott No C108, Yvert No PA110. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
24204 | TEL | BELGIUM (1938) Painting of wedding couple* leaving the church*. Townspeople* greeting them and giving them bouquets of flowers*. Multicolor telegram (O) No A.6. with attractive illustration. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
24206 | TEL | HUNGARY (1950) Munkácsy Mihály painting. Multicolor telegram (N) No LX 5 with attractive still life of flowers. Hard to find! | AVAILABLE AT $65 |
24207 | TEL | HUNGARY (1950) Bogdány Jakab painting. Multicolor telegram (N) No LX 6 with superb still life of flowers. Hard to find! | AVAILABLE AT $65 |
24233 | TEL | GERMANY (1973) Jan Brueghel. Multicolor telegram (N) No LX A with illustration of flowers in vase. Superb | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
24242 | EL | MADAGASCAR (1985) Paintings*. Set of 5 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 728-32, Yvert Nos 748-52. (Image b) (Image c) | AVAILABLE AT $75 |
12331 | EA | MONACO (1969) Daudet*. Birds*. Caged birds*. Stagecoach*. Flowers*. Die proof in black signed by the engraver BETEMPS. Letters from My Windmill. Scott No 747, Yvert No 796. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
3536 | TEL | INDES (1980) Cloches*. Arc-de-ciel*. Lotus*. Oiseaux*. Télégramme multicolore (O) avec enveloppe illustrée. Texte en anglais. Jolie variété: déplacement de couleur donnant une impression très floue. Rare! | AVAILABLE AT $110 |
12518 | TEL | INDES (1956) Cloches*. Arc-en-ciel*. Lotus*. Oiseaux*. Télégramme multicolore (N). Impressionante variété: la couleur rouge manque. Texte en anglais. Les variétés sur télégrammes sont rares! | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
12519 | TEL | INDES (1972) Cloches*. Arc-en-ciel*. Lotus*. Oiseaux*. Télégramme multicolore (O) avec enveloppe illustrée. Surchargé "=Specimen Only=, =Annexure II=" à l'encre. Texte uniquement en Indien à l'exception du mot voeux, ècrit en anglais Greetings"" sur l'enveloppe. Pièce d'exposition!"" (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $200 |
24550 | TEL | SOUTH AFRICA (1977) Bells*. Flowers*. Multicolor telegram (N) No T156. Hard to find! | AVAILABLE AT $55 |
3554 | SS | CHILE (1976) Copihue flower*. Interphil logo*. S/S issued by Chile Philatelic Society. | AVAILABLE AT $10 |
12589 | EL | FRANCE (1997) Shearwater*. Lavender*. Bloc gommé. Port-Cros Park. Scott No 2572, Yvert No 3057. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
24560 | TEL | SWEDEN (1926) Birds* pulling carriage of flowers*. Superb multicolor telegram (O) No Lx 5. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
24567 | EMA | U.S.A. (1949) Swan*. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes #59773: "Swan---Time Guaranteed Garden Hose." | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
12610 | EL | FRANCE (1997) Eagle*. Thistle*. Mountains*. Bloc gommé. Parc des Ecrins. Scott No 2569, Yvert No 3054. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
690 | ND | MONACO (1984) Nacré des Balkans (Boloria graeca tendensis)*. Mountain Buttercup (Ranunculus montanus)*. Imperforate block of 4. Scott No 1426, Yvert No 1420. Butterflies & rare flowers of Mercantour National Park. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
691 | ND | MONACO (1984) Burnet Moth (Zygaena vesubiana)*. Yellow mountain saxifrage (Saxifraga aizoides)*. Imperforate block of 4. Scott No 1427, Yvert No 1421. Butterflies & rare flowers of Mercantour National Park. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
692 | ND | MONACO (1984) False Mnestra ringlet (Erebia aethiopellus)*. Alpine forget-me-not (Myosotis alpestris)*. Imperforate block of 4. Scott No 1427, Yvert No 1421. Butterflies & rare flowers of Mercantour National Park. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
694 | ND | MONACO (1984) Southern swallowtail (Papilio alexanor)*. Sweet cicely (Myrrhis odorata)*. Imperforate block of 4. Scott No 1429, Yvert No 1423. Butterflies & rare flowers of Mercantour National Park. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
9721 | EA | FRANCE (1978) Flowers*. Butterflies*. Houses*. Die proof in black signed by the artist LAMBERT and the engraver FORGET. Beautification of France. Scott No 1606, Yvert No 2006. | AVAILABLE AT $160 |
18479 | EP | GERMANY (1962) Butterfly. Daisy. Photo essay (See Note) for unaccepted design of butterfly series. Scott No B381, Yvert No 249. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
18481 | EP | GERMANY (1962) Butterfly. Flowers. Photo essay (See Note) for unaccepted design of butterfly series. Scott No B381, Yvert No 249. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
24647 | TEL | EAST GERMANY (1987) Butterfly* approaching basket of flowers*. Multicolor telegram (N). | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
3768 | EP | ZAIRE (1979) Leopard head*. Victoria Regia lily*. Imperforate proof block of 4. Scott No 907, Yvert No 931. Congo River Expedition. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
18542 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1959a) Chats* et chiens* avec des personnes* de différents âges. Jouets*. Bouteille de champagne*. Banjo*. Fleurs (dont orchidées)*. Chérubins* allumant les bougies* d'un gâteau d'anniversaire*. Télégramme multicolore (O)accompagné de son enveloppe illustrée. (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) | AVAILABLE AT $90 |
24661 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1960) Chats* et chiens* avec des personnes* de différents âges. Jouets*. Bouteille de champagne*. Banjo*. Fleurs* (dont orchidées*). Chérubins* allumant les bougies* d'un gâteau d'anniversaire*. Télégramme multicolore (O) accompagné de son enveloppe illustrée. (Image b) (Image c) | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
24696 | TEL | BELGIQUE (1945) Mère* et fille* cueillant des fleurs* dans un champ. Superbe télégramme illustré multicolore (O). | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
24710 | TEL | FINLANDE (1960) Bébé nue. Coeurs*. Fleurs*. Télégramme multicolore (N) No KR4. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
12814 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1940) Coat of Arms: lions*, harp*, clover*, thistles*. Multicolor telegram (O) issued in honor of coronation with delivery envelope. First day of usage. Superb illustration! | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
24767 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1937a) Coat of Arms: lions*, harp*, clover*, thistles*. Multicolor telegram (O) issued in honor of the coronation with accompanying envelope. Superb illustration! | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
12860 | EL | NEW CALEDONIA (1978) Bat*. Flowers*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 438, Yvert No 421. Nature conservation. | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
18645 | EP | GERMANY (1969) Brook with floating flowers. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design for Nature Protection series. Scott No 1001, Yvert No 455. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
18648 | EP | GERMANY (1969) Mountains. Flowers.. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design for Nature Protection series. Scott No 1002, Yvert No 456. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
18654 | ND | RWANDA (1976) Watering hole. Impatiens. Imperforate proof sheet. Scott No 686. Nature protection. | AVAILABLE AT $200 |
18656 | ND | RWANDA (1976) Erosion prevention. Protea madiensis. Imperforate proof sheet. Scott No 689. Nature protection. | AVAILABLE AT $200 |
21905 | FDC | CYPRUS (1970) Fields of flowers*. FDC with cachet and thematic cancelation. Scott Nos 343-5, Yvert Nos 327-9. European Nature Conservation Year. | AVAILABLE AT $5 |
21906 | FDC | LUXEMBOURG (1970) Pasqueflower*. Hedgehog & young*. FDC with cachet and thematic cancel. Scott Nos 485-6. European Conservation Year. | AVAILABLE AT $5 |
21907 | FDC | NORWAY (1970) Wolf*. Pasque flower*. Waterfall*. White-tailed sea eagle*. FDC with cachet and thematic cancel. Scott Nos 551-4. European Conservation Year. | AVAILABLE AT $5 |
21911 | FDC | YUGOSLAVIA (1970) Alpine rhododendron*. Bearded vulture*. FDC with cachet. Scott Nos 1042-3. European Conservation Year. | AVAILABLE AT $5 |
18668 | EL | FRENCH POLYNESIA (1983) Traditional flower garlands*. Set of 3 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 386-8, Yvert Nos 205-7. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
24826 | TEL | HONGRIE (1950) Mort. Fleurs*. Télégramme (N) No LX99 pour les voeux de condoléances. Difficile à trouver! | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
12920 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1938) Chien*. Facteur*. Roi* et reine*. Télégramme multicolore accompagné de son enveloppe surchargé d'un cachet "SPECIMEN" en violet. Rareté! | AVAILABLE AT $200 |
7007 | EP | BELGIUM (1967) Birches. Trientalis. Ministerial proof. Scott No 683, Yvert No 1408. Nature preservation. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
1087 | EA | MONACO (1964) Stylised flower*. Die proof in black signed by the engraver BETEMPS. Scott No 590, Yvert No 652. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
12974 | EL | FRANCE (1964) Stylized flower*. Set of 2 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 1109-10, Yvert Nos 1430-1. | AVAILABLE AT $100 |
13003 | EP | AUSTRIA (2004) "Field of Flowers" by Fuchs*. Black proof. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
16109 | EP | AUSTRIA (1986) Pasque flower*. Black proof. Scott No 1346, Yvert No 1676. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
13027 | EP | EAST GERMANY (1972) Snow Queen*. Sleigh*. Crows*. Magic garden*. Set of 6 sheetlets of 6 stamps showing various scenes from the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale "The Snow Queen" consisting of imperforate progressive proofs of the stamps, each sheetlet showing the addition of one color. Scott Nos 1417-22, Yvert Nos 1493-8. A very rare and attractive series! (Image b) (Image c) | AVAILABLE AT $1,200 |
13081 | OBL | JAPAN (1988) Fisherman*. Bridge*. Iris*. Commemorative cancellation on 40 yen illustrated postal card. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
10199 | EP | COLOMBIA (1960) Orchids*. Flowers*. Proof sheet consisting of trial printings of three of the 5-centavo stamps in the series affixed to signed and dated card with official signatures, and marked with quantities to print and marginal notes for subtle color changes. Fabulous exhibit item! | AVAILABLE AT $750 |
10200 | EP | COLOMBIA (1960) Antherium andureum*. Passiflora mollissima*. Odontoglossum luteo purpureum*. Proof sheet consisting of trial printing of 35-centavo, 60-centavo and 1.45 peso stamps mounted on signed and dated card with official stamp on reverse, and printing quantities penciled. Fabulous exhibit item! | AVAILABLE AT $475 |
10201 | EP | COLOMBIA (1960) Orchids*. Flowers*. Proof sheet consisting of trial printings of the five 1-peso stamps in the series affixed to signed and dated card with official stamp on reverse, and marked with quantities to print and marginal notes for small changes to some issues. Scott Nos C366-70, Yvert Nos PA357-61. Fabulous exhibit item! | AVAILABLE AT $1,200 |
13142 | EP | SIERRA LEONE (1991) Orchids*. Flowers*. Set of 3 imperforate proof sheets of 9 and 3 imperforate S/S. Munich, Kyoto and Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. Scott Nos 1424-9. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $325 |
22289 | ND | WALLIS & FUTUNA (1982) Orchids*. Rubacieas* Yvert Nos 286-9. Scott Nos 283-6. Feuille complète non dentelée consistant en 4 séries avec inscriptions sur les bords de feuille. **. | AVAILABLE AT $100 |
25037 | TEL | SOUTH AFRICA (1970) Flowers: orchid*, calla lilies*, coral tree flower*, etc. Multicolor telegram (N) No T16 with delivery envelope. | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
4323 | ENT | U.S.A. (1890) Rose*. Potatoes, peas, beans. Flower seeds. Beautiful one cent postal card (N) with advertising: Robert Buist Company." Outstanding illustration! | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
13151 | VAR | U.S.A. (1981) Rose*. Camellia*. Dahlia*. Lily*. Perforation shift resulting in top 9mm of stamp in selvage! Scott No 1879a, Yvert Nos 1308-11. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
25056 | TEL | SWEDEN (1952) Roses*. Multicolor telegram (O) No Lx26. Attractive! | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
25062 | TEL | FINLAND (1960) Rose*. Daisies*. Multicolor telegram (N) No KR6. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
25065 | TEL | SWEDEN (1960) Bouquet of flowers: roses*, daisies*, hyacinth*, etc. Multicolor telegram (O) No Lx28. attractive! | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
1332 | ND | CHAD (1969) Water spinach (Ipomea aquatica)*. Imperforate dated corner block of 4. Scott No 214, Yvert No 182. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
22330 | FDC | ICELAND (1970) Saxifrage*. Lakagigar*. FDC with cachet. Scott Nos 425-6. European Nature Conservation Year. | AVAILABLE AT $5 |
13277 | EA | FRANCE (2005) Heart with bird and flowers*. Die proof in brown signed by the engraver JUMELET. Scott No 3090,Yvert No 3748. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
25146 | TEL | BELGIUM (1950) Lady* holding bridles of two horses* whose saddle bags are filled with flower trains*. Multicolor telegram (O). Attractive! | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
25155 | TEL | GERMANY (1978) Bride* and groom*. Horse carriage*. Flowers*. Angels*. Multicolor telegram (N) No LX 4 with attractive illustrations. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
1414 | EP | POLAND (1954) Flag*. Flowers*. Black print. Scott No 617, Yvert No 744. Labor Day. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
13345 | EL | ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON (1993) White-spotted sawyer (Monomachus scutellatus)*. Chicory (Cichorium intybus)*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 588. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
19085 | ENT | ISLE OF MAN (1985) Bee*. Flowers*. Snails. Postage paid aerogramme. | AVAILABLE AT $5 |
22452 | ENT | ITALY (1923) Glowing light bulb (METALLUM)*. Electrical machine and repairs. Fashions. People listening to gramophone*. Film projectors. Abetone Chocolate. Jelly. Candles*. Smoked meats. Inked stampers*. Woman surrounded by flowers*. Perfumes. Gloves*. Gelaterie. Soap, and many more Postal lettercard (N) with BLP stamp affixed and multiple advertisements on inside and out. The insert has become detached from the envelope. (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) (Image e) (Image f) | AVAILABLE AT $200 |
10476 | EA | FRANCE (1999) Map of France*. Flowers*. People*. Die proof in green signed by the engraver. National Census. Scott No 2704, Yvert No 3223. | AVAILABLE AT $90 |
4675 | EP | NIUAFO'OU (Tin Can Island) (1990g) Whale swamping native canoe*. Turtle*. Bird*. Dolphin*. Cromalin proof in full color on thick cardboard, from the printer's archives. Only 2-3 exist! Scott No 130, Yvert No 130: Polynesian whaling. Lovely and very rare! | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
4676 | EP | NIUAFO'OU (Tin Can Island) (1990g) Whale diving*. Turtle*. Bird*. Dolphin*. Cromalin proof in full color on thick cardboard, from the printer's archives. Only 2-3 exist! Scott No 131, Yvert No 131: Polynesian whaling. Lovely and very rare! | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
4677 | EP | NIUAFO'OU (Tin Can Island) (1990h) Whale*. Porpoise*. Turtle*. Bird*. Flowers*. Cromalin proof in full color on thick cardboard, from the printer's archives. Only 2-3 exist! Scott No 132, Yvert No 132: Polynesian whaling. Lovely and very rare! | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
1634 | EL | WALLIS & FUTUNA (1968) Sun*. Flowers*. WHO emblem*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 169, Yvert No 172. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
7505 | ND | BELGIUM (1974) Drops of blood*. Tulip*. Imperforate. Scott No B912, Yvert No 1698. | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
10580 | EP | LIBERIA (1973) WHO emblem. Freud. Pansies. Imperforate proof mounted on Format International Security Printers card. Scott No 642, Yvert No 612. 25th anniversary of WHO. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
10581 | EP | LIBERIA (1973) WHO emblem. Salk. Chrysanthemums. Imperforate proof mounted on Format International Security Printers card. Scott No 643, Yvert No 613. 25th anniversary of WHO. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
10582 | EP | LIBERIA (1973) WHO emblem. Pasteur. Scabiosa caucasica. Imperforate proof mounted on Format International Security Printers card. Scott No 644, Yvert No 614. 25th anniversary of WHO. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
10583 | EP | LIBERIA (1973) WHO emblem. von Behring. Rhododendron. Imperforate proof mounted on Format International Security Printers card. Scott No 645, Yvert No 615. 25th anniversary of WHO. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
10584 | EP | LIBERIA (1973) WHO emblem. Fleming. Tree mallows. Imperforate proof mounted on Format International Security Printers card. Scott No 646, Yvert No 616. 25th anniversary of WHO. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
10585 | EP | LIBERIA (1973) WHO emblem. Ehrlich. Poppy anemones. Imperforate proof mounted on Format International Security Printers card. Scott No C197, Yvert No BF66. 25th anniversary of WHO. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
16645 | ND | ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON (1968) Sun. Flowers. WHO emblem. Imperforate corner block of 4. Scott No 377, Yvert No 379. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
4774 | SPE | JAPAN (1960) Rainbow*. Cherry blossoms*. Pineapple*. 75th anniversary of Japanese contract emigration to Hawaii, overprinted MIHON (specimen). Scott No 699, Yvert No 652. Beautiful! | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
4776 | SPE | JAPAN (1963) Frost flowers on Mt. Fugen*. Overprinted MIHON (specimen). Scott No 777, Yvert No 731. Interesting aspect of topic! | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
13564 | EL | FRANCE (1975) Butterfly*. Girl* on swing*. Mice*. Tulips*. Rabbits*. Umbrella*. Set of 2 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos B481-2. Yvert Nos 1860-1. Spring. Autumn. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
25383 | TEL | LUXEMBOURG (1963) Alliances en or*. Roses*. Fleurs*. Télégramme multicolore (N) No LX2. | AVAILABLE AT $65 |
25384 | TEL | ROUMANIE (1970) Alliances en or*. Oeillets*. Télégramme multicolore (N) No LX 99, Type I (couleurs foncées). | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
25385 | TEL | ROUMANIE (1972) Alliances en or*. Oeillets*. Télégramme multicolore (N), No LX 99. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
13641 | EMA | U.S.A. (1939) Mountains. Edelweiss*. Red meter cancellation on fragment Pitney Bowes No 66767: Edelweiss is always nice. | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
25402 | TEL | GERMANY (1934) Mountains*. Trees*. Flowers*. Multicolor telegram (O) with lovely mountain scene. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
25412 | TEL | AUSTRIA (1973) Edelweiss*. Attractive multicolor telegram (N). | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
19225 | FDC | GREAT BRITAIN (1988) Morel*. Bewick's swan*. Yello waterlily*. Bull-rout*. Addressed FDC with cachet and thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1201-4. Linnean Society. | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
25429 | MAX | FRANCE (1942) Chabrier*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No B131, Yvert No 542. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
10783 | TEL | SUEDE (1944) Guitare*. Fleur*. Télégramme multicolore (O). | AVAILABLE AT $35 |
16820 | EL | ANDORRA (1992) European globeflower*. Bloc gommé. Scott No 418, Yvert No 420. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
22742 | EP | AUSTRIA (2024) Button accordion*. Daffodil festival*. Autumn drink "Sturm"*. Coffee & cake*. Black print of S/S. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
25447 | TEL | BELGIQUE (1947) Dame* jouant de la lyre*. Fleurs*. Télégramme multicolore (O). Superbe! | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
13768 | EL | FRANCE (1996) Beaver*. Columbine*. Cévennes National Park*. Bloc gommé. Scott No 2514, Yvert No 2997. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
13769 | EL | FRANCE (1996) Ibex*. Gentian*. Vanoise National Park*. Bloc gommé. Scott No 2515, Yvert No 2998. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
13770 | EL | FRANCE (1996) Bearded vulture*. Saxifrage*. Mercantour National Park*. Bloc gommé. Scott No 2516, Yvert No 2999. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
19350 | FDC | GREAT BRITAIN (1987) Flowers*. Addressed FDC with cachet and thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1168-71. Photos of Alfred Lammer. | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
25542 | TEL | GERMANY (1939) Baskets of fruit*, flower*, colored eggs*, pine boughs*, bread*. Multicolor illustrated telegram (O) number LX 1. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
16937 | SPE | JAPAN (1970) Sunflower*. UN emblem*. UN Congress on Crime Prevention issue overprinted MIHON (specimen). Scott No 1040, Yvert No 988. | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
11009 | EL | REUNION (1968a) Femme avec guirlande des fleurs*. Épreuve de luxe au profit de la Croix-Rouge. Tableau de MAGNARD: "Le Printemps." Scott No B28, Yvert No 381. Très beau! | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
19484 | VAR | TURKEY (1957) Red crescent*. Flower*. Margin pair imperforate horizontally. Scott No RA207, Yvert No 216. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
19489 | EL | REUNION (1968a) "Spring", "Autumn" by Magnard*. Set of 2 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos B28-9, Yvert No 381-2. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
5355 | EP | PENRHYN (1982) Scout emblem*. Tropical flower*. Set of 5 progressive proofs in unissued color combination. Scott No 218, Yvert No BF45. These proofs are from the archives of the Fournier Vittoria Security Printers of Spain. Only a very few exist! | AVAILABLE AT $350 |
5356 | EP | PENRHYN (1982) Scout emblem*. Tropical flower*. Set of 3 progressive proofs in issued color combination. Scott No 218, Yvert No BF45. These proofs are from the archives of the Fournier Vittoria Security Printers of Spain. Only a very few exist! | AVAILABLE AT $350 |
14106 | ND | SENEGAL (1971) Drummer*. Japonica*. Judo*. Mt. Fuji*. Set of 4 imperforate pairs. 13th Scout Jamboree. Scott Nos 346-9, Yvert Nos 351-4. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
19578 | FDC | RYUKYU ISLANDS (1959) Hibiscus*. Moorish idol*. Seashell (Phalium bandatum)*. Butterfly (Kallinia inachus eucerca*. Jellyfish (Dactylometra pacifera)*. Unadressed FDC with cachet. Scott Nos 58-62. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
25692 | ENT | U.S.A. (1893) Gondola*. Palm frond*. Horticulture building*. 1 cent official postal card for World's Columbian Exhibition. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
14421 | EL | ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON (1992) Lake darner dragonfly (Aeshna eremita)*. Yellow pond lily (Nuphar variegatum)*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 555. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
25955 | EL | FRANCE (1981) Tennis racquets*. Public gardens*. Water fountain*. Horse racing*. Swimmers*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 1744, Yvert No 2144. Vichy. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
2543 | EL | FRANCE (1970) City postman*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No B440, Yvert No 1632. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
17561 | EP | AUSTRIA (2014) Siberian iris. Basilica of Rankweil. Black print. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
14518 | EA | MONACO (2004) Stamps*. Paris Floral Garden*. Stage die proof in brown signed by the engraver LAVERGNE and marked "Epreuve d'Atelier". Scott No 2344. | AVAILABLE AT $250 |
19793 | ESS | ZAIRE (1986) Zaire stamp*. Impatiens*. Set of 7 progressive proofs including final colors. Scott No 1224. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
25977 | EA | MONACO (2004) Stamps*. Paris Floral Garden*. Die proof in black signed by the engraver LAVERGNE. Scott No 2344. Yvert No 2450. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
2569 | ND | CHAD (197) Obus woman*. Huts*. Hibiscus*. PhilexAfrique II. Imperforate corner block of 4. Scott No 366. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
17592 | EL | FRANCE (1993) Rhododendron*. Flowers in Park*. Bloc gommé. Scott No 2395, Yvert No BF15. European Stamp Exhibition. Dallay catalog 625 Euros. | AVAILABLE AT $325 |
17595 | EL | FRANCE (1994) Dahlias*. Flowers in Park*. Bloc gommé. Scott No 2444, Yvert No BF16. European Stamp Exhibition. Dallay catalog 650 Euros. | AVAILABLE AT $325 |
19800 | ND | RWANDA (1979) Euphorbia grantii. Weavers. Imperforate proof. Scott No 913. PhilexAfrique II. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
19801 | EL | RWANDA (1979) Drummers*. Intelsat*. Euphorbia*. Set of 2 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 913-4. PhilexAfrique II. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
26100 | TEL | SWEDEN (1971) Women on stairs holding various items: telephone*, binoculars*, teapot*, flowers*, list of S.L.K.*, ship's steering wheel*, pastry dough funnel*. Multicolor telegram (O) for the women's organization S.L.K. Interesting! | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
2655 | EL | FRANCE (1965) Woman carrying flowers*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 1120, Yvert No 1449. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
14730 | ESS | CHAD (1985) Dove*. UN emblem*. Woman holding flowers*. Trial color proofs in strip of 5 with multicolor. 40th anniversary of UN. Scott No 569, Yvert No 499. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
14764 | EL | FRANCE (1997) Volcano*. Raccoon*. Balisier*. Bloc gommé. Guadeloupe Park. Scott No 2570, Yvert No 3055. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
5917 | EP | ZAIRE (1979) Leopard head*. Victoria Regia lily*. Finzia waterfall*. Cross-gutter proof pair from printer's archives. The proof sheets for these 2 issues were printed on large-size printer sheets and later cut apart. Scott Nos 907-8, Yvert Nos 931-2. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
11860 | EA | MALI (1975) Woman*. Flower*. Die proof in olive green signed by the engraver GUILLAUME. International Women's Year. Scott No 239, Yvert No 245. Rare! | AVAILABLE AT $120 |