LEGEND | Bid Sheet (English) | Ordre d'achat (Français) |
Lot No | Type | Description | Price |
4032 | EMA | U.S.A. (1939) Reddy Kilowatt (mascot of electric companies)*. Violet meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 95105: "Electric Service brings better living to the home." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
4033 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1940) Etiquette*. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur pli Pitney Bowes No 57524: "Une raison pour plus comfortablement vivre: l'électricité bon marché." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
4034 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1947) Electricité. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur pli Pitney Bowes No 01421: "Les prix de l'électricité ont éte réduits. Maintenant vous recevez plus, pour ce que vous dépensez en électricité." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
4035 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1949) Electricité. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 01421: "Si c'est nouveau, convenable et pratique; bien sûr, c'est électrique." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
4036 | EMA | U.S.A. (1951) Man* giving woman* a present*. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 98613: "Give Electric Housewares. First choice for every gift occasion." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
4037 | EMA | U.S.A. (1960) Reddy Kilowatt* dressed as Uncle Sam. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 173373: "America is strong. It's electrified." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
7003 | EMA | U.S.A. (1936) Electrical Contest. Early violet meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 134554: "Ask about the $10.000 Home Town Electrical Contest!" Unusual aspect of topic! | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
7004 | EMA | U.S.A. (1940) Man* and woman* examining blueprints*. Unusual red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 93911: "When you plan your home, consider the wiring! Adequate wiring serves [and] saves." | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
7005 | EMA | U.S.A. (1947) Electric hot water heater*. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 05238: "Electrically yours...Plenty of hot water.' | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
10039 | EMA | U.S.A. (1946) High tension electrical switches*. Insulators*. Red meter cancellation on cover National Postage Meter Company No 6958: "For greater economy, use 'MK-39' switches." | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
12947 | EMA | U.S.A. (1935) Electrical company mascot "Elec MacElec"*. Red specimen meter cancellation on cover Pitney Bowes No 01232: "Let the thrifty Elec MacElec save money for you!" Specimens were given to advertisers. Only a few were printed. Rare! | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
12948 | EMA | U.S.A. (1937) Finger* touching electric switch*. Red meter cancellation on envelope front Pitney Bowes No 01641: "Switch to Electric Cooking." | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
12949 | EMA | U.S.A. (1940) Reddy Kilowatt*. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 55776: "Guard precious sight with proper light. Reddy Kilowatt, your electrical servant." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
12950 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1943) Electricité. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur pli Pitney Bowes No 96623: "Chauffez l'eau électriquement. Pratique. Sûr. Economique." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
12951 | EMA | U.S.A. (1946) Electrical towers* and wiring* throughout map of North and South Carolina*. Nicely detailed red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 57509: "The Piedmont Carolinas offer industrial opportunities." | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
12953 | EMA | U.S.A. (1950) Electric bed*. Red meter cancellation on piece Commercial Controls Corporation No 9839: "The Camp Bell Bed, electrically operated." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
16082 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1943) Marque de la compagnie Westinghouse (W)*. Deuxième guerre mondiale. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur pli Pitney Bowes No 91170: "Faisant travailler l'électricité pour la victoire." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
16083 | EMA | U.S.A. (1955) Woman cook* wearing chef's hat*. Red meter cancellation on cover Pitney Bowes No 322894: "Women who know cook electrically." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
16084 | EMA | U.S.A. (1961) Stylized electrical current*. Red meter cancellation on cover Pitney Bowes No 373683: "Keep pace electrically." | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
18710 | EMA | U.S.A. (1938) Cooking with electricity. Green meter cancelation on cover, Pitney Bowes No 91110: "Electric Cooking is Cleaner." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
18711 | EMA | U.S.A. (1946) Reddy Kilowatt*. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 92431: "Reddy Kilowatt says: Electrical living is modern living'." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
18712 | EMA | U.S.A. (1947) Electrical wiring. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 95461: "Adequate wiring serves and saves with Arrow H & H devices." | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
18713 | EMA | U.S.A. (1947) Electric knife sharpener. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 118388: "The answer to your knife sharpening problem. Gorn electric knife sharpener." | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
18714 | EMA | U.S.A. (1955) Hand* holding electric paint sprayer*. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 169755: "Burgess electric sprayer, approved by leading paint manufacturers." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
18715 | EMA | U.S.A. (1955) Bird shaped like light bulb*. Red meter cancellation on fragment Pitney Bowes No 58417: "Little Bill. Your Electric Friend...he works for you for pennies a day!" | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
24879 | EMA | U.S.A. (1937) Electricity. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 56202: "Modernize, Electrify your kitchen." | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
24882 | EMA | U.S.A. (1952) Electrical remote control wiring. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 137422: "GE Remote control wiring. For homes...offices...industrial buildings." | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
24884 | EMA | U.S.A. (1955) Lightning bolt*. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 116942: "New England Electric System means better living." | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
24888 | EMA | U.S.A. (1966) Electric heating. House* with no chimney. Red meter cancellation on cover Pitney Bowes No 170544: "I wonder where the chimney went?" | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
24889 | EMA | U.S.A. (1968) Reddy Kilowatt*. Red meter cancellation on label Pitney Bowes No 174427: "Symbol of Quality, Electrical living." | AVAILABLE AT $20 |