LEGEND | Bid Sheet (English) | Ordre d'achat (Français) |
Lot No | Type | Description | Price |
39 | VAR | EQUATORIAL GUINEA (1974) Endangered animals*. Sheet of 15 with color red drastically shifted. Scott Nos 74189-203, Yvert Nos 53_1-53_12,PA39_1-2. Only 22 sheets exist. | AVAILABLE AT $400 |
21060 | ENT | GERMANY (1964) Cowherd with dog tending cattle*. Postal card (N) with corner illustration. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
21085 | ENT | GERMANY (1967) Shepherd with dog tending sheep*. Postal card (N) with corner illustration. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
3313 | EL | MADAGASCAR (1988) Paintings of women*. Set of 4 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 904//8, Yvert Nos 900//4. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
21300 | SPE | GERMANY (1982) Rooster*. Cat*. Dog*. Donkey*. Specimen (overprinted MUSTER). Scott No 1368, Yvert No 952. Illustration from "The Band of Bremen" by Grimm. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
21330 | SPE | GERMANY (1989) "Summer evening" by Heinrich Vogler*. Specimen (overprinted MUSTER). Scott No 1584, Yvert No 1262. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
18300 | EP | AUSTRIA (2016) Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach*. Dog*. Black print. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
18328 | L | F.S.A.T. (2010) Polar transportation*. Cancelled pane on large registered envelope to Germany. Scott No 431. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
12671 | EP | AUSTRIA (2002) Sisco & Mauritius*. Black proof. Youth philately. Scott No 1886. | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
15847 | EP | AUSTRIA (2001) Cartoon dog*. Black proof. Rolf RĂĽdiger. Scott No 1841. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
775 | ND | CENTRAL AFRICA (1986) Burmese-Malayan*. Spaniel*. Imperforate S/S. Scott No 810. | AVAILABLE AT $10 |
3776 | EP | MONGOLIA (1993) Cats*. Dogs*. Imperforate silver foil proof mounted on card. Scott No 2124. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
3782 | ND | ST. THOMAS & PRINCE (2003) Cats*. Dogs*. Baden-Powell*. Set of 6 imperforates with decorative borders. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
9757 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1942) Chat* assis aux pieds d'un vieux couple*. Cigogne* portant un bébé*. Couple d'amoureux*: chérubin* avec arc* et flèche*. Couple marié* à la sortie de l'église*. Photographe*. Spectateurs* tenant un chien* en laiisse. Télégramme (O) avec superbe illustration. Variété: impression floue. | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
18542 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1959a) Chats* et chiens* avec des personnes* de différents âges. Jouets*. Bouteille de champagne*. Banjo*. Fleurs (dont orchidées)*. Chérubins* allumant les bougies* d'un gâteau d'anniversaire*. Télégramme multicolore (O)accompagné de son enveloppe illustrée. (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) | AVAILABLE AT $90 |
24657 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1942) Chat* assis aux pieds d'un vieux couple*. Cigogne* portant un bébé*. Couple d'amoureux*: chérubin* avec arc* et flèche*. Couple marié* à la sortie de l'église*. Photographe*. Spectateurs* tenant un chien* en laisse. Télégramme (N) avec superbe illustration. | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
24658 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1942) Chat* assis aux pieds d'un vieux couple*. Cigogne* portant un bébé*. Couple d'amoureux*: chérubin* avec arc* et flèche*. Couple marié* sortant de l'église*. Photographe*. Spectateurs* tenant un chien* en laisse. Télégramme (O) avec superbe illustration accompagné de son enveloppe couleur or (rare!). | AVAILABLE AT $100 |
24660 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1956) Chat* assis aux pieds d'un vieux couple*. Cigogne* portant un bĂ©bĂ©*. Hochet*. Couple d'amoureux: ange* avec arc* et flèche*. Eglise*. Mariage*. Homme soulevant un trophĂ©e en or*. Enfants* agitant leur mouchoir* Ă un bateau* en partance. Gâteau d'anniversaire*. TĂ©lĂ©gramme multicolore (O) accompagnĂ© de son enveloppe. Utilisation tardive, ce tĂ©lĂ©gramme est paru en 1953 et Ă©tait gardĂ© en rĂ©serve au cas oů les tĂ©lĂ©grammes nouveaux ne seraient pas en stock. Superbe! | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
24661 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1960) Chats* et chiens* avec des personnes* de différents âges. Jouets*. Bouteille de champagne*. Banjo*. Fleurs* (dont orchidées*). Chérubins* allumant les bougies* d'un gâteau d'anniversaire*. Télégramme multicolore (O) accompagné de son enveloppe illustrée. (Image b) (Image c) | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
21907 | FDC | NORWAY (1970) Wolf*. Pasque flower*. Waterfall*. White-tailed sea eagle*. FDC with cachet and thematic cancel. Scott Nos 551-4. European Conservation Year. | AVAILABLE AT $5 |
16143 | EL | F.S.A.T. (1996) Paul-Email Victor*. Sled dogs*. Penguins*. Traverse of Greenland. Dumont d'Urville base*. Bloc gommé of triptych. Scott No 217a, Yvert No 212a. | AVAILABLE AT $110 |
4075 | EP | GERMANY (1960) Little girl sets off for Grandma's with basket of food*. Photo essay (See Note) for unaccepted design of Little Red Riding Hood series. Scott No B372, Yvert No 213. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
4076 | EP | GERMANY (1960) Little girl*. Grandmother*. Photo essay (See Note) for unaccepted design of Little Red Riding Hood series. Scott No B372, Yvert No 213. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
4077 | EP | GERMANY (1960) Little girl*. Wolf*. Photo essay (See Note) for unaccepted design of Little Red Riding Hood series. Scott No B372, Yvert No 213. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
4078 | EP | GERMANY (1960) Wolf sneaking into grandmother's bed*. Photo essay (See Note) for unaccepted design of Little Red Riding Hood series. Scott No B372, Yvert No 214. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
4079 | EP | GERMANY (1960) Girl*. Wolf*. Photo essay (See Note) for unaccepted design of Little Red Riding Hood series. Scott No B372, Yvert No 213. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
4080 | EP | GERMANY (1960) Girl*. Wolf disguised as a grandmother*. Photo essay (See Note) for unaccepted design of Little Red Riding Hood series. Scott No B373, Yvert No 215. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
4081 | EP | GERMANY (1960) Hunter rescuing girl, grandmother*. Dead wolf*. Photo essay (See Note) for unaccepted design of Little Red Riding Hood series. Scott No B374, Yvert No 216. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
4082 | EP | GERMANY (1960) Hunter with rifle approaching house*. Photo essay (See Note) for unaccepted design of Little Red Riding Hood series. Scott No B374, Yvert No 215. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
4117 | SPE | JAPAN (1973) Gold*. Dog*. Tree*. Folk tales*. Set of three from folk tale "The Old Man Who Made Trees Bloom" overprinted MIHON (specimen). Scott Nos 1152-4, Yvert Nos 1095-7. Fascinating! | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
4118 | EL | DAHOMEY (1974) Native folkore tales*. Set of 4 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 317-20, Yvert No 335-8. | AVAILABLE AT $75 |
22188 | SPE | GERMANY (1963) Scene from The Wolf and the Seven Kids*. MUSTER (specimen) overprint. Scott No B392. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
22189 | SPE | GERMANY (1963) Scene from The Wolf and the Seven Kids*. MUSTER (specimen) overprint. Scott No B393. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
10118 | ESS | MONACO (1993) Firemen*. Rescue dog*. Trial color proof full sheet of 30. International Civil Protection Day. Scott No 1850, Yvert No 1870. | AVAILABLE AT $500 |
10195 | EP | AUSTRIA (2014) Dog's-tooth violet (Erythronium dens-canis). Black print. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
7202 | ENT | BAVARIA (1908) Rose parquet floor wax*. Dog listening to Victrola*. Medals*. Chair*. Woman picking fruit*. Cast metal valve. Stationery. Pianoforte magazine. Guitars. Clothing. Shoes. Credit agency. 5-pfennig letter-sheet with multiple advertisements. (Image b) (Image c) | AVAILABLE AT $400 |
25060 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1957) Roses*, flowers* and wedding bouquets*. Wedding procession*. Dog*. Church*. Graveyard*. Multicolor telegram (O) with illustration to commemorate a wedding with illustrated delivery envelope. First day of use. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
13241 | EA | MONACO (1983) Hercules battling Cerberus*. Die proof in brown signed by the engraver HALEY. Scott No B111, Yvert No 1394. | AVAILABLE AT $160 |
25110 | EMA | U.S.A. (1960) Dogs for the blind. Rare brown meter cancellation from "Leader Dogs for the Blind" on piece Pitney Bowes No 157360: "For whither thou goest..." | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
4471 | EP | GERMANY (1969) Riding to hunt with hound*. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design for horse series benefiting youth organizations. Scott No B444, Yvert No 443. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
4507 | ENT | RUSSIA (1958) Hunter on skis with dog*. 40 kop Postal entire (N) with corner illustration. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
4508 | ENT | RUSSIA (1961) Hunter on skis, dog walking back to lodge*. 4 kop Postal entire (N) with corner illustration. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
13508 | EP | AUSTRIA (1986) Discovery of mandrake root*. Dog*. Black proof. European Association for Anesthesiology. Scott No 1360, Yvert No 1687. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
13512 | SPE | BOLIVIA (1995) Pasteur*. Dogs*. Stamps*. Imperforate S/S marked "MUESTRA". Not listed in catalog, possibly issued at Philatelic Exhibition. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
5152 | EP | GERMANY (1966) Mail carrier with dog*. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design for FIP Munich meeting series. Scott No B417, Yvert No 374. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
2102 | ND | CHAD (1967) Ennedi Prehistoric rock paintings*. Set of 5 imperforate pairs. Scott Nos 148-50,C38-9, Yvert Nos 146-8,PA42-3. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
5233 | EL | REUNION (1971) Jeune fille* avec petit chien*. Épreuve de luxe au profit de la Croix-Rouge. Peinture par Greuze. Scott No B37, Yvert No 404. Très beau! | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
14010 | EA | FRANCE (1971) Girl with dog*. Girl with dead bird*. Set of 2 die proofs signed by the engraver GANDON. Scott Nos B452-3, Yvert Nos 1700-1. | AVAILABLE AT $275 |
8130 | ESS | FRANCE (1981) St. Hubert kneeling before stag*. Trial color proof strip of 5. Scott No 1778, Yvert No 2171. Patron saint of hunters, mathematicians, opticians and metalworkers, his name is also invoked to cure rabies. | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
25644 | EL | FRANCE (1981) St. Hubert kneeling before stag*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 1778, Yvert No 2171. Patron saint of hunters, mathematicians, opticians and metalworkers, his name is also invoked to cure rabies. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
14299 | EP | SHARJAH (1972) Luna 9 - Laika*. Set of 6 progressive proofs of minisheet, including final colors. Michel No 996. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
11353 | EA | MALI (1972) Berruti(sprinter)*. Wolf*. Coliseum*. Die proof in brownish-black signed by the engraver MONVOISIN. Olympics retrospective - Rome 1960. Scott No C161, Yvert No PA161. Rare! | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
11476 | ENT | BELGIAN CONGO (1910) Tennis*. Dog*. 15 centimes postal card (N) with photographic illustration of Haut-Katanga Mining Union tennis court and tennis attire of the period! Scarce and hard to find! (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $160 |
14522 | EL | MAURITANIA (1979) Stamps*. Birds*. Hyena*. Deluxe proof of S/S issued at PhilexAfrique II. Scott Nos C185-6, Yvert No PA187a. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
14524 | EL | NEW CALEDONIA (1994) Dog*. Hong Kong Exhibition. Deluxe sheet. Scott No C257, Yvert No PA310. Year of the Dog. | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
25988 | ND | MAURITANIA (1979) Stamps*. Birds*. Hyena*. Imperforate proof of S/S issued at PhilexAfrique II. Scott Nos C185-6, Yvert No PA187a. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
11685 | ESS | MONACO (1963) UPU emblem*. Dog*. Horse Carriage*. Scott No 541. Yvert No 615. Centennial of first conference in Paris. Trial Color Plate Proofs, strip of five with multicolor. **. Beautiful! | AVAILABLE AT $200 |
26290 | EL | FRANCE (1992) Marguerite d'Angoulême*. Dog*. Bloc gommé. Painting by Clouet. Scott No 2285, Yvert No 2746. Lovely! | AVAILABLE AT $50 |