LEGEND | Bid Sheet (English) | Ordre d'achat (Français) |
Lot No | Type | Description | Price |
18017 | EL | UPPER VOLTA (1975) Farmer's hat*. Hoe*. Set of 2 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 382-3, Yvert Nos 373-4. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
6031 | ENT | ITALY (1923) Mechanical wine press*. Bottle of Marsala*. Clothing*. Liquors. Maritime passenger service. Draperies. Diesel and motor fuel. Barges & boats. Footwear. Cutlery. Surgical and scientific equipment. Postal lettercard (N) with BLP stamp affixed and multiple advertisements on inside and out. This one is missing the insert. Series Regionale B-1. (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) | AVAILABLE AT $160 |
6032 | ENT | ITALY (1923) Vermouth. Purified water. Fruitcake. Ice cream. Men's clothing. Motorized bicycle*. Ice. Pharmacy. Stamp dealer. Drugs. Chemical industry. Silverware. Deodorant. Rubber. Pep pills. . Restaurant supplies. Sulfur baths. Triumph typewriter*. B.L.P. lettercard (N) with stamps affixed and multiple advertisements on inside and out and on insert. (Image b) (Image c) | AVAILABLE AT $200 |
6033 | ENT | ITALY (1923) Sicilian wine. Marsala. Muscat. Iron works. Express courier. Electric motors. Tailored shirts. Sila purgative water. Postal lettercard (N) with BLP stamp affixed and multiple advertisements on inside and out. This one is missing the insert and the return portion of the envelope. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $100 |
9024 | L | ETATS UNIS (1869) Vin (x 2). Entrepreneur de pompes funèbres. Jouets. Ecurie. Chapellerie. Blanchisserie pour chapeaux. Perruquier. Importateur de cheveux humains. Pianos. Jupes à cerceaux et corsets. Bijouterie. Parfumerie. Pharmacie. Pain.Bottes et chaussures. Enveloppe à publicités multiples, précurseur des entiers à publicités multiples. Pli affranchi du 3 cent Washington rose, Yvert No 19, Scott No 61. 42 réclames au verso pour des commerces de Washington, D.C. dont marchand de vin et des marchands de produits de beauté féminine. Nous avons vu de tels plis proposés en France à 4000F, notre estimation est donc raisonnable (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $275 |
3065 | ENT | BELGIQUE (1951) Ours*. Couronne*. Entier publicitaire (N) Ã 90 centimes Publibel No 1062: "Ursula." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
9037 | ENT | BELGIUM (1953) Rabbit reading road sign*. Postal card (O), Publibel No 1132, with advertisement in Dutch for Lavelkoul clothing. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
24073 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1952) Chèvre*. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir de la National Glove Company sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 87791: "Napa Goat. National Trademark." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
3142 | EMA | U.S.A. (1941) Leather cow hide*. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 100408: "Wear leather for health." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
3147 | EMA | U.S.A. (1953) Leather care. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 172484: "Kiwi...the shine that keeps leather alive." | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
15139 | ESS | MONACO (1977b) Crew in arctic outfits*. Trial color proofs in strip of 5. Scott No 1076, Yvert No 1106. | AVAILABLE AT $90 |
282 | SPE | GERMANY (1985) Man with hat*. Woman with parasol*. MUSTER (Specimen) overprint. "The Sunday Walk" by Spitzweg. Scott No 1448, Yvert No 1090. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
3312 | EA | CZECHOSLOVAKIA (1985) "Young Woman in a Blue Gown"*. Series of 6 die proofs in various stages, one in full color. Painting by Jozef Ginovsky. Scott No 2586, Yvert No 2655. Some toning present. Czech proofs are very rare - only 2-5 were ever made! | AVAILABLE AT $275 |
9328 | EP | AUSTRIA (2017) "Girl With Fan" by Rubens. Black print. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
12256 | EP | AUSTRIA (2002) Man doffing hat*. Black proof. Painting by Alfred Kubin. Scott No 1889. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
21249 | ND | CONGO (1974) Girl with Straw Hat by Renoir*. Imperforate corner block of 4. Scott No C201, Yvert No PA201. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
21293 | ND | DJIBOUTI (1979) The Laundress by Daumier*. Imperforate corner block of 4. Scott No C127. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
323 | EL | FRANCE (1980) Zadkine. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 1689. Yvert No 2074. Sculpture: "Woman holding fan." | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
3394 | EP | GERMANY (1965) Matthias Claudius. Hat*. Cane*. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design 150th anniversary of death of poet who wrote "Death and the Maiden". Scott No 917, Yvert No 329. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
18306 | EP | GERMANY (1965) Matthias Claudius*. Trees*. Hat*. Cane*. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design 150th anniversary of death of poet who wrote "Death and the Maiden". Scott No 917, Yvert No 329. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
24403 | ENT | BELGIUM (1946) Rubber. Crown*. 65 centimes bicolor postal card with advertising Publibel No 676: "King of Rubber." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
12520 | L | SWITZERLAND (1897) Factory*. 5c postal card with corner illustrated ad for Steinfels soap, perfume and fabrics. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
6577 | EMA | U.S.A. (1941) Gull. Blue meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes #101468: "Rhythm Step. The 1...2...3...Shoe." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
763 | ENT | U.S.A. (1888) Lion*. Postal card (O) with illustrated ad for Lion Tannery. Long discussion of testimonials and praise. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
820 | EL | FRANCE (1985) Sneakered foot emerging from egg*. Set of 3 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 1O37-9, Yvert Nos SE85-7. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
6810 | EP | BELGIUM (1960) Refugee woman with gift clothes. Black Ministerial Proof with embossed seal. Scott No B674, Yvert No 1155. UNICEF series. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
9817 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1956) Chaussures d'enfant*. Empreinte bleue de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 150562: "Les chaussures 'Wee Walker'." | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
21786 | SPE | GERMANY (1998) Hands on shirt*. Overprinted MUSTER (specimen). Prevention of Child Abuse. Scott No 2017, Yvert No 1845 | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
24699 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1948) Chaussures pour bébés*. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 131927: "Le parfait cadeau pour bébé, les chaussures Baby Deer Kickers de Trimfoot." | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
24708 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1957) Semelle d'une chaussure d'enfant*. Empreinte bleue de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 150562: "Les chaussures 'Wee Walker'." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
24709 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1959) Chaussures d'enfant*. Empreinte bleue de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 372492: "Les chaussures 'Wee Walker'." | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
24725 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1952) Paysage sous la neige*. Garçon en vêtements d'hiver*. Arbres*. Nuages*. Rare empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur fragment Commercial Controls Corporation No 6913: "Joyeux Noël." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
15929 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1947) Chaussures. Cinema (Star de Hollywood ). Blasons*. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 114552 d'un distributeur de chaussures Hollywood Screen Star." | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
3899 | EMA | U.S.A. (1950) Nylon pantyhose. Black meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 162410: "Nylon sheers by Greeff." | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
24814 | ENT | BELGIUM (1939) Mardi Gras costume*. 40 centimes postal card with advertising (O) Publibel No 335: "Mardi Gras at Binche." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
24815 | TEL | HUNGARY (1950) Girl in regional costume*. Bonnet*. Multicolor telegram (N) No LX1 with attractive illustration. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
21942 | EA | FRENCH POLYNESIA (1987) Headdresses*. Necklaces*. Nose flute*. Die proof in black signed by the engraver JUMELET. Scott No 470, Yvert No 290. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
12921 | ENT | ETATS UNIS (1952) Scotch-terrier*. Mère et enfants* allant à un magasin* de chaussures. Entier publicitaire (O) à 1 cent. "C.A. Verner Co." | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
24846 | EMA | U.S.A. (1942) Boy* sitting on back of dog*. Red meter cancellation on piece National Postage Meter Company No 9389: "Jockey underwear. Masculine support." Unusual representation of topic. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
24847 | EMA | U.S.A. (1942) Boy* pushing open the mouth of dog*. Red meter cancellation on piece National Postage Meter Company No 9389: "Jockey Underwear. No gap opening." Unusual representation of topic. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
24850 | EMA | U.S.A. (1945) Dog* jumping up on boy* and licking his face*. Red meter cancellation on piece National Postage Meter Company No 9389: "Jockey Underwear. Easy to launder." Unusual representation of topic. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
24909 | ND | ANDORRA (1982) Cloak*. Scroll*. Set of 2 imperforate pairs. Scott Nos 294-5, Yvert Nos 300-1. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
4097 | EP | GERMANY (1965) Cinderella* receives her gown* from the birds*. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design for Cinderella series. Scott No B409, Yvert No 353. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
4098 | EP | GERMANY (1965) Cinderella's stepsisters try to cut their feet to fit the glass slipper*. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design for Cinderella series. Scott No B410, Yvert No 354. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
4099 | EP | GERMANY (1965) Prince Charming fits glass slipper on Cinderella*. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design for Cinderella series. Scott No B410, Yvert No 354. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
4121 | EA | MONACO (1978) Bluebeard*. Die proof in black signed by the engraver PHEULPIN. Mother Goose Tales of Charles Perrault. Scott No 1120, Yvert No 1157. | AVAILABLE AT $160 |
13028 | ESS | MONACO (1978) Bluebeard*. Trial color proof strip of 5. Mother Goose Tales of Charles Perrault. Scott No 1120, Yvert No 1157. | AVAILABLE AT $100 |
1248 | ND | CHAD (1969) Cochlospermum tinctorium*. Imperforate dated corner block of 4. Scott No 211, Yvert No 179. Used for dying cloth. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
7202 | ENT | BAVARIA (1908) Rose parquet floor wax*. Dog listening to Victrola*. Medals*. Chair*. Woman picking fruit*. Cast metal valve. Stationery. Pianoforte magazine. Guitars. Clothing. Shoes. Credit agency. 5-pfennig letter-sheet with multiple advertisements. (Image b) (Image c) | AVAILABLE AT $400 |
18863 | MAQ | NEW CALEDONIA (1999) Escoffier school*. Chef's hat*. Accepted artwork, pencil on tracing paper with acetate overlay for lettering, measuring 13.8 x 18 cm, signed by the artist LISIAK. Scott No 829. | AVAILABLE AT $400 |
4436 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1948) Gant d'ouvrier*. Empreinte bleue de machine à affranchir sur devant de lettre Pitney Bowes No 130421: "Protégez vos mains avec les gants Brookville." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
4438 | EMA | U.S.A. (1953) Gloves. Red meter cancellation on cover Pitney Bowes #173674: "The Handiest Glove you'll ever wear." Nice pun! | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
7303 | EMA | U.S.A. (1955) Gloves. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 182285: "Finger free gloves." | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
13264 | ENT | ETATS UNIS (1941) Gants*. Mannequins (mains*). Entier publicitaire (O) Ã 1 cent. "Les gants 'City Paris'. Soldes semi-annuelles." Joli! | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
7310 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1947) Lave-vaisselle*. Coeur*. Empreinte bleue de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 59107: "Millions de femmes veulent à tout prix (En anglais: ont leur coeur attaché) à une nouveau Lave-Vaiselle Maytag." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
18908 | EP | GERMANY (1969) Man in tophat riding saddlehorse. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design for horse series benefiting youth organizations. Scott No B442, Yvert No 441. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
25142 | EMA | U.S.A. (1939) Horses*. Horse hide shoes*. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 93514: "Wolverine Shell Horse hide work shoes." Unusual aspect of topic! | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
25155 | TEL | GERMANY (1978) Bride* and groom*. Horse carriage*. Flowers*. Angels*. Multicolor telegram (N) No LX 4 with attractive illustrations. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
7330 | ENT | ITALY (1923) Hotels. Shawls. Cotton mill. International shipping. Velvet. Silk. Bank. Weaving. Cotton. Wool. Postcards. Oil shipping. Postal lettercard (N) with BLP stamp affixed and multiple advertisements on inside and out. This one is missing the insert. Some toning around inside edges. (Image b) (Image c) | AVAILABLE AT $160 |
10363 | L | ETATS UNIS (1870) Optique. Vins. Sel. Fusils. Poisson fumé. Rare pli avec publicités multiples au dos, affranchi du 3 cents outremer, Yvert No 31. Très bon état pour ce type de pièce. Nous avons vu des pièces semblables offertes en France aux environs de 4000F. Notre prix est donc raisonnable à (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $200 |
13332 | EP | PERU (2004) Seashell*. Dress*. Grapes*. Pottery*. Statue*. Imperforate pair. Peruvian exports. Scott No 1443. Only 2 proof sheets exist! | AVAILABLE AT $160 |
22452 | ENT | ITALY (1923) Glowing light bulb (METALLUM)*. Electrical machine and repairs. Fashions. People listening to gramophone*. Film projectors. Abetone Chocolate. Jelly. Candles*. Smoked meats. Inked stampers*. Woman surrounded by flowers*. Perfumes. Gloves*. Gelaterie. Soap, and many more Postal lettercard (N) with BLP stamp affixed and multiple advertisements on inside and out. The insert has become detached from the envelope. (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) (Image e) (Image f) | AVAILABLE AT $200 |
7518 | CAR | FRANCE (1925) Toothpaste. Toothbrush. Knitting yarn*. Wine. Extermination of rats and insects*. Clothes for men and children*. 6 Francs, 20x30 centimes Sower blue booklet. Yvert #192-C-2, Série 102. Ads on selvages for Gibbs soap, tooth brushes and tooth paste. Some scuff marks and inside cover partally torn. (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
22669 | SPE | GERMANY (1977) Bronze age golden hat*. MUSTER (specimen) overprint. Scott No 1258. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
13665 | ENT | U.S.A. (1874) Ulster overcoats*. Sewing machines*. Mason & Hamlin cabinet organs*. Boston Daily Transcript (newspaper)*. One of the famous "Oak Hall" entires (O) with multiple advertising sold for 50 cents per 100 (50% reduction of face value). Alongside the 1910 Allentown entires, these are the only types of American postal stationery with multiple advertising about which we know. Small stain in upper left corner. Rarity! | AVAILABLE AT $300 |
1908 | ND | CENTRAL AFRICA (1965) M.E.S.A.N National Promotion*. Set of 4 imperforate pairs. Scott Nos 49-52, Yvert Nos 51-4. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
7876 | EMA | U.S.A. (1937) Petroleum. Tailor*. Violet meter cancellation from Skelly Oil Company on piece Pitney Bowes No 01066: "Only Skelly Aromax is Tailor-made." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
19358 | EP | AUSTRIA (2016) Steeple-hat woman - photographic art by Dorothee Golz*. Black print. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
5085 | ENT | BELGIUM (1951) Central American in a sombrero* drinking a cup of coffee*. 90 centimes postal card (N) with advertising Publibel No 1047: "Donko's coffee." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
7962 | ENT | U.S.A. (1890) Boots. Sandals. Clogs. Postal card (O) with printed ad on reverse for various men's and women's footwear including Women's Heavy Croquets. National India Rubber Co. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
16924 | ENT | RUSSIA (1930) Tire*. Woman's legs with rubber boots*. Postal card (N) with illustrated advertising "RESINOTRUST - The Rubber Trust." | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
13894 | ENT | U.S.A. (1900) Man in tophat*. Cigars. Postal card (O) with printed ad on reverse for Light Horse Harry 5 cent Cigars. Just what the country needs! Morris Horn & Son wholesale, Wilkes-Barre, PA. Nice! | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
8013 | CAR | FRANCE (1929) Radios*. Couples dancing*. Tuxedo shirts. Automobile*. People picnicking*. 10 franc booklet . 50 centimes Joan of Arc, Cérès No 152, with superb multicolor cover advertising for Lux Radio on pane margins and all covers. One of the most beautiful booklets ever issued by France. Stapling somewhat loose. (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) | AVAILABLE AT $150 |
5256 | EP | GERMANY (1959) Holy coat of Trier*. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design for robe of Christ issue. Scott No 802, Yvert No 186. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
22999 | SPE | GERMANY (1959) Holy coat of Triere*. MUSTER (specimen) overprint. Scott No 802. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
2238 | EP | ST. VINCENT (1997) Paul Harris*. Blanket donation*. Jimmy Carter*. Imperforate proof of stamp and S/S mounted in House of Questa folder. Scott Nos 2438-9. Only a few exist. | AVAILABLE AT $160 |
5400 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1938) Voilier*. Empreinte violette de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 57088: "Visitez Block's pour les vêtements et les accessoires gais de vacances." | AVAILABLE AT $10 |
19671 | EMA | U.S.A. (1940) Golfer* swinging club*. Downhill Skiing*. Sun*. Green meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes #76245: "All purpose Sun O Rain Jackets." | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
8435 | ND | LIBERIA (1967) Pre-Hispanic sculpture. Serape. Olympic rings Imperforate S/S. Scott No C177, Yvert No PA40. Mexico Olympics. | AVAILABLE AT $10 |
8509 | EP | AUSTRIA (2008) Player's foot on soccer ball*. Black print. EURO2008. | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
14474 | EP | AUSTRIA (2008) Child's drawing of lederhosen*. Black print. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
17642 | EMA | U.S.A. (1944) Old Style Telephone*. Red meter cancellation on envelope Pitney Bowes No 58641:Bamberger's Fur Storage. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
5736 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1951) Fermeture éclair*. Bobine de fil*. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 154444: "Les fermetures éclair 'Talon', maison nationale de matérial à coudre." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
8668 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1952) Feutre. Laine. Chaussure*. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 122230: "American Felt Company, feutre de laine pour tout usage." | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
8683 | EP | AUSTRIA (1968) Lace veil*. Black proof sffixed to booklet in German and signed by the designer and engraver. Scott No 811, Yvert No 1094. Centennial of Voralberg embroidery industry. | AVAILABLE AT $75 |
11568 | L | ETATS UNIS (1870) Machine à coudre*. Chaussures. Cuir. Pharmacie. Mortier. Vins. Whisky. Partitions. Cigares. Vêtements. 10 annonces au dos de cette lettre de négociants de Montgomery, Alabama dont une grand format illustrée pour un marchand de machines à coudre! Les illustrations sur ces précurseurs des entiers à publicités multiples sont très rares! Cette illustration est la plus grande que nous ayons jamais rencontrée. Pli affranchi par un 3 cents vert Washington, Scott No 136, Yvert No 41. Pli très propre. Nous avons vu des plis similaires vendus en France à plus de 4000F, notre estimation est donc raisonnable à (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $375 |
17657 | EL | CENTRAL AFRICA (1965) Shuttle of loom*. Clothing*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 49, Yvert No 51. Some toning in upper right. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
11586 | ENT | BELGIUM (1967) Man in tophat carrying grandfather clock*. 2 frank postal card (O) with advertising Publibel No 2148: "Et. FAYT S.A. - La montre, l'horlage qui ne 'FAYT're pas..et è des prix!" | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
5771 | ND | GABON (1975) 1829 Marc Seguin locomotive. Men in top hats. Full sheet of 10 imperforates (note: sheet measures 28.5 x 28 cm). Scott No C162, Yvert No PA162. Rarely seen! (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
5772 | ND | GABON (1975) 1847 Iron Duke locomotive. Man and woman in fancy dress. Full sheet of 10 imperforates (note: sheet measures 28.5 x 28 cm). Scott No C163, Yvert No PA163. Rarely seen! (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
11622 | EA | GABON (1975) 1847 The Iron Duke. Man and woman in fancy dress. Die proof in sepia signed by the engraver ANDREOTTO. Scott No C163, Yvert No PA163. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
17717 | EA | GABON (1975) 1829 Marc Seguin locomotive. Men in top hats. Die proof signed by the engraver ANDREOTTO. Scott No C162, Yvert No PA162. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
14700 | EMA | U.S.A. (1940) Palm tree bending in the wind*. Violet meter cancellation on fragment Pitney Bowes No 100514: Superflex (shoes) for Super Comfort. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
26183 | ENT | GERMANY (1910) Luggage*. Corset*. Woman with exotic headdress*. Beer. Colonial goods & delicacies. Palm trees, Fresh fruit. Cigars. Electro and light therapy. Massage. Linens. Coffee. Tea. Chocolate. Drugstore. 5 pfennig letter-sheet (N) with multiple advertisements. Excellent condition. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $450 |
8867 | MAQ | UNITED NATIONS (1974) Captain's cap*. Telescope*. Chart*. Unaccepted artwork for Law of the Sea. Pen and watercolor on card stock measuring 25.4 x 183 cm. Scott No 254. Design by Burt Pringle, who designed many US, UN and foreign stamps. Adhesions on front where UN emblem was attached. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |