LEGEND Bid Sheet (English) Ordre d'achat (Français)


U.S.A. Letters
Lot No Type Description Price
4699 L image U.S.A. (1853) Tobey hospital. Letter addressed to J.B. Tobey, whose granddaughter founded Tobey Hospital in Wareham, Massachusetts, from the appraiser of the estate! Unfortunately no contents.
25134 L image U.S.A. (1853) Trotter. Envelope with illustrated ad for "Trotter, Chas. W. Allen, Cincinnati, Ohio." Below image of the horse are 8 frames of a movie showing the trotter's steps.
5120 L U.S.A. (1857) Tobacco. Cotton. Sugar. Molasses. Whale Oil. Beeswax. Gunpowder. Wine. Cotton. Wool. Foreign exchange rates. Coffee. Glass. Lumber. Agriculture. April 11, 1857 issue of "New Orleans Price-Current, Commercial Intelligence and Merchants Transcript, being a semi-weekly newsletter listing quantities and prices for an enormous number of exported and imported items too numerous to mention. Sent ""By Steamer"" to Greenock, Scotland via Boston & Liverpool, with appropriate markings including receiving datestamps and large numeral ""5"" and ""24"". Fabulous exhibit item!"" image (Image b) (Image c)
25691 L image U.S.A. (1858) Steamer Gen'l Quitman. 3c postal stationery envelope with handstamp of Mississippi steamer. Verical crease.
25135 L U.S.A. (1860) Stud horses. Envelope with illustrated ad for stud horses "Ben Franklin: and "Addison Lambert." Fascinating contents showing their lineages. image (Image b) (Image c)
5799 L image U.S.A. (1861) Wood. Double circle black postmark of Lumber City, PA dated May 10 on amber cover. Very fine.
22982 L image U.S.A. (1862) U.S. Christian Commission. Illustrated cover from the U.S. Christian Commission, forerunner of the Red Cross and active during the U.S. Civil War. Stamped "DUE 3".
22983 L image U.S.A. (1864) U.S. Christian Commission. Illustrated cover from the U.S. Christian Commission, forerunner of the Red Cross and active during the U.S. Civil War. Franked with 3c rose tied by concentric circles fancy cancel.
3052 L image ETATS UNIS (1869) Vin. Sellerie. Pharmacie et parfumerie. Tailleur. Machines à coudre. Entrepreneur de pompes funèbres, cercueil et embaumement. Horlogerie. Tabac. Chapeaux, casquettes. Bottes et chaussures. Enveloppe à publicités multiples, précurseur des entiers à publicités multiples. Pli affranchi du 3 cents Washington rose, Yvert No 19, Scott No 65. 20 réclames au verso pour des commerces de St. Paul dont marchand de vin et cognacs. Nous avons vu de tels plis proposés en France à 4000F, notre estimation est donc raisonnable à
9024 L ETATS UNIS (1869) Vin (x 2). Entrepreneur de pompes funèbres. Jouets. Ecurie. Chapellerie. Blanchisserie pour chapeaux. Perruquier. Importateur de cheveux humains. Pianos. Jupes à cerceaux et corsets. Bijouterie. Parfumerie. Pharmacie. Pain.Bottes et chaussures. Enveloppe à publicités multiples, précurseur des entiers à publicités multiples. Pli affranchi du 3 cent Washington rose, Yvert No 19, Scott No 61. 42 réclames au verso pour des commerces de Washington, D.C. dont marchand de vin et des marchands de produits de beauté féminine. Nous avons vu de tels plis proposés en France à 4000F, notre estimation est donc raisonnable image (Image b)
10363 L ETATS UNIS (1870) Optique. Vins. Sel. Fusils. Poisson fumé. Rare pli avec publicités multiples au dos, affranchi du 3 cents outremer, Yvert No 31. Très bon état pour ce type de pièce. Nous avons vu des pièces semblables offertes en France aux environs de 4000F. Notre prix est donc raisonnable à image (Image b)
11568 L ETATS UNIS (1870) Machine à coudre*. Chaussures. Cuir. Pharmacie. Mortier. Vins. Whisky. Partitions. Cigares. Vêtements. 10 annonces au dos de cette lettre de négociants de Montgomery, Alabama dont une grand format illustrée pour un marchand de machines à coudre! Les illustrations sur ces précurseurs des entiers à publicités multiples sont très rares! Cette illustration est la plus grande que nous ayons jamais rencontrée. Pli affranchi par un 3 cents vert Washington, Scott No 136, Yvert No 41. Pli très propre. Nous avons vu des plis similaires vendus en France à plus de 4000F, notre estimation est donc raisonnable à image (Image b)
21476 L U.S.A. (1905) Olds engine*. Postcard with corner illustration of early Olds engine (Olds Motor Vehicle was founded in 1897). image (Image b)
9796 L image ETATS UNIS (1919) Enfant* endormi et bâillant tenant une bougie* et un pneu de bicyclette*. Enveloppe illustrée affranchie du timbre de roulette à 2 cents.Washington de la "Fisk Rubber Company." Joli pli!
10440 L image U.S.A. (1929) Dedication of Roswell Airport. (1st Day). A classic cover and the first one to commemorate an Air Event by a Lions Club. Dekom No 29 1204 Var. This event was sponsored by the Roswell, New Mexico LionsClub. The cachet consists of two handstamps: one diamond shaped in purple for the Lions Club, the other in light greenish blue features an airplane. Variety: autographed by the Mayor: John W. Hall. Very scarce!
10441 L image U.S.A. (1929b) Dedication of Roswell Airport. (1st Day). A classic cover and the first one to commemorate an Air Event by a Lions Club. Dekom No 29 1204 Var. This event was sponsored by the Roswell, New Mexico, LionsClub. Color Variety: The cachet consists of two handstamps: one diamond shaped in purple for the Lions Club, the other features an airplane in light greenish blue instead of dark blue. Scarce!
10442 L image U.S.A. (1929d) Dedication of Roswell Airport. (1st Day). A classic cover and the first one to commemorate an Air Event by a Lions Club. Dekom No 29 1204 Var. This event was sponsored by the Roswell, New Mexico, Lions Club. The cachet consists of two handstamps: one diamond shaped in purple for the Lions Club, the other in greenish blue features an airplane. Variety: large Roswell circular date cancel. Scarce!
12425 L image U.S.A. (1929) Biplanes*. Letter with illustrated cachet for Opening of Elkhart's (Indiana) new airport and 2nd Annual Air Circus.
24629 L image U.S.A. (1929) Mt. Hope Bridge*. Cover with illustrated handstamp commemorating the opening of the Mt. Hope Bridge in Newport, Rhode Island. Hard to find!
4627 L image U.S.A. (1930) Pittsburgh Air Show. March 6 to 15. A classic cover issued to commemorate the Kiwanis and Lions Day on March 13th. Dekom No 30 0313. Beautiful bicolor cachet showing two airplanes, plus straight line handstamp reading The Path of the Eagle."" Scarce!""
10443 L image U.S.A. (1930) Pittsburgh Air Show. March 6 to 15. A classic cover issued to commemorate the Kiwanis and Lions Day on March 13th. Dekom No 30 0313. Beautiful bicolor cachet showing two airplanes, plus straight line handstamp reading The Path of the Eagle."" Scarce!""
25216 L image U.S.A. (1930) Dedication of Coachella Valley Airport. A classic cover sponsored by the Indian Wells, California Lions Club. Date error: erroneously postmarked February 22, 1929. Dekom No 30 0222a.
5691 L image U.S.A. (1931) Wilkins-Ellsworth Trans-Arctic Submarine Expedition. Bergen to North Pole. Cover franked with Scott No 554, Yvert No 229. One 1« pence Great Britain stamp for return postage. Handstamp with illustration of a submarine. Opening cut-out on back. Nice combination!
10444 L image U.S.A. (1931) Dedication of the Sanford, Florida municipal Airport. A classic cover Dekom No 31 0119. This event was sponsored by the Sanford Lions Club and is signed by its president: J.R. Hall. Scarce!
10445 L image U.S.A. (1931) Dedication of the Sanford, Florida municipal Airport. A classic cover Dekom No 31 0119 Var. This event was sponsored by the Sanford Lions Club and is signed by the Lions Club president and town mayor. Seal on back "Sanford, Florida - The Celery City."
11120 L image U.S.A. (1933) Scouts. Zeppelin. The very scarce cover sponsored by the Sea Scout Ship Alliance U.S.A. to commemorate the U.S.S. Macon passing over Ardsley on Hudson, NY on a training flight. Cover canceled September 13th in Ardsley on Hudson. Very few covers prepared. Very rare!
12525 L image U.S.A. (1933) Jacob Weiss, Revolutionary Soldier. Benjamin Franklin. Cacheted cover in violet and green to commemorate "Weissport, Carbon County, PA. Named for Col. Jacob Weiss, revolutionary soldier, and site of Benjamin Franklin's Fort Allen". Franked with plate block of 1 cent green Franklin. Scott No 552, Yvert No 228. Rare!
3218 L image U.S.A. (1934) Byrd Antarctic Expedition II*. Scott No 733. Yvert No 323. Little America, Antarctica cancel. Matching illustrated cachet (ship) indicating that this card was carried from America to Little America on the Ice Breaker S.S. Bear of Oakland."" Stamp franking a very attractive black and white photographic postcard depicting base camp.""
4673 L U.S.A. (1934) Byrd Antarctic Expedition II*. Scott No 733. Yvert No 323. Little America, Antarctica cancel. Matching illustrated cachet (ship) indicating that this card was carried from America to Little America on the Ice Breaker S.S. Bear of Oakland."" Stamp franking a very attractive black and white photographic postcard depicting surfacing whales."" image (Image b)
9128 L image U.S.A. (1934) Byrd Antarctic Expedition II*. Scott No 733. Yvert No 323. Little America, Antarctica cancel. Matching illustrated cachet (ship) indicating that this card was carried from America to Little America on the Ice Breaker S.S. Bear of Oakland."" Stamp franking a very attractive black and white photographic postcard depicting emperor penguins.""
12918 L ETATS UNIS (1934) Expédition de Byrd en Antarctique. Yvert No 323. Scott No 733. Oblitération de Little America en Antarctique. Cachet illustré qui indique que cette carte a été transportée des Etats-Unis à Little America parle brise-glace S.S. Bear of Oakland."" Timbre affranchissant une jolie carte avec illustration photographique en noir et blanc de chiens de traîneau traversant une crevasse."" image (Image b)
15137 L U.S.A. (1934) Byrd Antarctic Expedition II*. Scott No 733. Yvert No 323. Little America, Antarctica cancel. Matching illustrated cachet (ship) indicating that this card was carried from America to Little America on the Ice Breaker S.S. Bear of Oakland."" Stamp franking a very attractive black and white photographic postcard depicting camp on the trail with people and their skis."" image (Image b)
11072 L image U.S.A. (1936) Lutheran Sanatorium. Crib*. Baby Jesus*. Christmas. Multicolor Christmas seal tied to postcard by neat Kansas city circular postmark on Christmas postcard franked by 1 cent Franklin, Scott No 552. Scarce!
13417 L image U.S.A. (1937) Lincoln. USS Macdonough. Letter canceled aboard US destroyer with Lincoln's birthday cachet.
25898 L image U.S.A. (1950) (Sugar) Ray Robinson*. Charlie Fusari*. Publicity envelope for boxing match between two greats.
9036 L image U.S.A. (1952) Polar bear*. Nice Greenland multicolor label tied by handstamp of the Scandinavian Airlines System's First trans-arctic flight on cacheted cover! Departure and arrival date cancels. This label is hard to find on cover! Scarce!
25954 L image U.S.A. (1955) Ellsworth Vines. Envelope with cachet showing various sports (baseball, boxing, golf, horse-racing, hockey, football, basketball) signed by the legendary lawn tennis pro.
25887 L image U.S.A. (1957) John Kelley. Envelope with cachet showing various sports (baseball, boxing, golf, horse-racing, hockey, football, basketball) signed by the legendary marathoner.
17250 L image U.S.A. (1961) Nike-ASP Sodium Flare. Test N.A.S.A. Commemorative envelope with vignette and stamp tied by Wallops Island cancel. Ex-collection Kronstein.
17251 L image U.S.A. (1961) Aerobee150-A rocoket. Test N.A.S.A. Commemorative envelope with vignette and stamp tied by Wallops Island cancel. Ex-collection Kronstein.
17253 L image U.S.A. (1961) Nike Cajun rocket. Test N.A.S.A. Commemorative envelope with vignette and stamp tied by Wallops Island cancel. Ex-collection Kronstein.
17254 L image U.S.A. (1961) Nike Apache rocket. Test N.A.S.A. Commemorative envelope with vignette and stamp tied by Wallops Island cancel. Ex-collection Kronstein.
17256 L image U.S.A. (1961) Argo D-4 rocket. Test N.A.S.A. Commemorative envelope with vignette and stamp tied by Wallops Island cancel. Ex-collection Kronstein.
15364 L image U.S.A. (1962) Missile Tracking and Recovery. Illustrated cover commemorating U.S. Navy Missile Tracking and Recovery with accompanying A.P.O. No 105 (Johnston Island) date cancel.
15365 L image U.S.A. (1962) Nevada Test site. Cacheted cover (Kennedy) commemorating USAEC Nevada Test Site with Mercury, Nevada date cancel.
15366 L image U.S.A. (1962a) Atomic Test*. Operation Tightrope, Event Fishbowl, a low yield test over Johnston Island area to test effectiveness as a defensive weapon against ballistic missiles. Postmark from the U.S.S. Finch on cover. Very few covers produced!
15372 L image U.S.A. (1968) Trident*. Missile*. Atomic symbol*. Cover with date cancel and illustrated handstamp from U.S.S. Oklahoma City CLG-5.
17171 L image U.S.A. (1968) Trident*. Missile*. Envelope with cachet and postmark of U.S.S. Oklahoma City , a US navy cruiser.
15373 L image U.S.A. (1969) Prospector with pick & mule*. Atomic symbol*. Envelope with cachet of Jackass Flats, Nevada - site of Project Pluto - US Government testing facility fo nuclear ramjets to use in cruise missiles and cancel of Apollo II from NASA.
14092 L image U.S.A. (1978) Stanford University Logo*. Envelope with cachet of Siple Station, Antarctica Magnetospheric Research Group, signed by Medical Officer. Cancelation of US Navy FPO.
14762 L image U.S.A. (1978) Vulcanologist team. Letter sent to director of NZ-French-US Team of Vulcanologists on Mt. Erebus. Marked "Return to sender" with notation "Expedition Left Event Finished."

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