LEGEND | Bid Sheet (English) | Ordre d'achat (Français) |
Lot No | Type | Description | Price |
16526 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1925) Lamps. Telegram from Howes & Burley. Motor, Carriage and General Lamp Manufacturers. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
3008 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1936j) Farm equipment: rake*, sickle*, pitchfork*, shepard's crook*. Wheat stalks*. Cornucopias* full of roses*, daisies*, grapes*, peaches*, pears*. Tambourine*, pipes*. Multicolor telegram (N), Type B, light turquoise lines around message panel), with superb illustration. Nice variety: no gap between the frame and the cross at the top of the crown. Very rare! | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
12007 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1936) Farm equipment: rake*, sickle*, pitchfork*, shepherd's crook*. Wheat stalks*. Cornucopias* full of roses*, daisies, grapes*, peaches*, pears*. Tambourine*, pipes. Multicolor telegram (O), Type B light turquoise linesaround message panel, with superb illustration. Nice variety: the vine at the top right around the rake has been omitted. Very rare! | AVAILABLE AT $200 |
3009 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1937) Farm equipment: rake*, sickle*, pitchfork*, shepard's crook*. Wheat stalks*. Cornucopias* full of roses*, daisies*, grapes*, peaches*, pears*. Tambourine*, pipes*. Multicolor telegram (O), Type B, with superb illustration. Overprint Souvenir Post Office Exhibition Manchester 1937 with commemorative cancellation. This telegram was used at the Exhibition to publicize Greetings telegrams. Rare!"" | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
24722 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1937) Scène hivernale: neige*, arbres* sans feuilles, pleine lune* et Ă©toiles*, feuillage de Noël*. Compas*. Fruits*. Joli tĂ©lĂ©gramme multicolore (N) pour voeux de Noël. | AVAILABLE AT $65 |
24767 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1937a) Coat of Arms: lions*, harp*, clover*, thistles*. Multicolor telegram (O) issued in honor of the coronation with accompanying envelope. Superb illustration! | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
25141 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1937a) Horses* ridden by cherubim letter carriers*. Garlands of roses*. Multicolor telegram (O) with delivery envelope. This telegram was used only on February 13th and 15th since St. Valentine's Day was on a Sunday. Attractive! | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
12920 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1938) Chien*. Facteur*. Roi* et reine*. Télégramme multicolore accompagné de son enveloppe surchargé d'un cachet "SPECIMEN" en violet. Rareté! | AVAILABLE AT $200 |
4225 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1939) Bouquets of flowers*. Doilies*. Multicolor telegram (N) with Valentine's Day illustration. Attractive! | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
3011 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1940) Farm equipment: rake*, sickle*, pitchfork*, shepherd's crook*. Wheat stalks*. Cornucopias* full of roses*, daisies, grapes*, peaches*, pears*. Tambourine*, pipes. Multicolor telegram (O), Type B (light turquoise lines around message panel) with superb illustration. Late usage (4 years after the telegram was issued). Hard to find! | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
12814 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1940) Coat of Arms: lions*, harp*, clover*, thistles*. Multicolor telegram (O) issued in honor of coronation with delivery envelope. First day of usage. Superb illustration! | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
13145 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1940) Basket of flowers: roses*, baby's breath*, lady's slippers*, etc. Multicolor telegram with official boxed "Specimen" handstamp. Specimens of telegrams are rare. | AVAILABLE AT $200 |
25048 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1940) Basket of flowers: roses*, baby's breath*, lady's slippers*, etc. Multicolor telegram (O) with attractive illustration. | AVAILABLE AT $55 |
9757 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1942) Chat* assis aux pieds d'un vieux couple*. Cigogne* portant un bébé*. Couple d'amoureux*: chérubin* avec arc* et flèche*. Couple marié* à la sortie de l'église*. Photographe*. Spectateurs* tenant un chien* en laiisse. Télégramme (O) avec superbe illustration. Variété: impression floue. | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
24657 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1942) Chat* assis aux pieds d'un vieux couple*. Cigogne* portant un bébé*. Couple d'amoureux*: chérubin* avec arc* et flèche*. Couple marié* à la sortie de l'église*. Photographe*. Spectateurs* tenant un chien* en laisse. Télégramme (N) avec superbe illustration. | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
24658 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1942) Chat* assis aux pieds d'un vieux couple*. Cigogne* portant un bébé*. Couple d'amoureux*: chérubin* avec arc* et flèche*. Couple marié* sortant de l'église*. Photographe*. Spectateurs* tenant un chien* en laisse. Télégramme (O) avec superbe illustration accompagné de son enveloppe couleur or (rare!). | AVAILABLE AT $100 |
25051 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1950) Book* adorned with roses* in between the pages. Multicolor telegram (O) with delivery envelope. First day of use! | AVAILABLE AT $90 |
6013 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1952) Harvest scenes: Angels* and doves* carrying basket of fruit* (apples*, pears*, oranges*, etc.). Horse* pulling hay*. Farmers dancing* and on hay ride*. Sickles*. Rake*. Pitchforks*. Bundles of wheat*. Rooster*. Flute*. Multicolor telegram (O) with accompanying envelope. First Day of use. Superb! | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
13634 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1952b) Moto*. Diligence*. Chevaux*. TĂ©lĂ©gramme illustrĂ© multicolore (N) avec cachet "SpĂ©cimen." Cette pièce provient certainement des archives postales officielles car elle comporte au verso des notes administratives Ă©crites Ă l'encre dont le nom de l'artiste, la date d'Ă©mission et le coűt de l'impression (ś3,585). Superbe et unique pièce d'exposition! | AVAILABLE AT $375 |
25057 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1952a) Roses*. Archery*. Cherubs*. Beautiful multicolor telegram (O) with Valentine's Day illustration with delivery envelope. Only used one day. Beautiful! | AVAILABLE AT $90 |
25386 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1952) Moto*. Diligence*. Chevaux*. Télégramme illustré multicolore (N). Superbe! | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
25059 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1953) Rosebush* climbing trellis*. Hearts*. Lute*. Gentleman* composing letter*. Lady* reading letter*. Multicolor telegram (O) used only one day to commemorate St. Valentine's Day with mailing envelope. Very rare! | AVAILABLE AT $150 |
13703 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1955) Violon*. Trompette*. Cor*. Cloches*. Mandoline*. Tambourin*. Roses rouges*. Coeurs*. Anges*. Télégramme multicolore (O) accompagné de son enveloppe. Premier jour d'émission! | AVAILABLE AT $90 |
4923 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1956) Défilé: tambour*, basse*, tuba*, etc. Familles* regardant le défilé à leurs fenêtres*. Télégramme multicolore (N) avec superbe illustration. | AVAILABLE AT $65 |
24660 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1956) Chat* assis aux pieds d'un vieux couple*. Cigogne* portant un bĂ©bĂ©*. Hochet*. Couple d'amoureux: ange* avec arc* et flèche*. Eglise*. Mariage*. Homme soulevant un trophĂ©e en or*. Enfants* agitant leur mouchoir* Ă un bateau* en partance. Gâteau d'anniversaire*. TĂ©lĂ©gramme multicolore (O) accompagnĂ© de son enveloppe. Utilisation tardive, ce tĂ©lĂ©gramme est paru en 1953 et Ă©tait gardĂ© en rĂ©serve au cas oů les tĂ©lĂ©grammes nouveaux ne seraient pas en stock. Superbe! | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
25060 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1957) Roses*, flowers* and wedding bouquets*. Wedding procession*. Dog*. Church*. Graveyard*. Multicolor telegram (O) with illustration to commemorate a wedding with illustrated delivery envelope. First day of use. | AVAILABLE AT $50 | SOLD |
18542 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1959a) Chats* et chiens* avec des personnes* de différents âges. Jouets*. Bouteille de champagne*. Banjo*. Fleurs (dont orchidées)*. Chérubins* allumant les bougies* d'un gâteau d'anniversaire*. Télégramme multicolore (O)accompagné de son enveloppe illustrée. (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) | AVAILABLE AT $90 |
25327 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1959) Weatherbox (Man* and woman* underneath bus stop* as figures). Couple kissing in the rain* under umbrella*. Roses*. Doves*. Multicolor Valentine's Day telegram (N) accompanied by illustrated envelope. Only 10,000 printed! Very rare! (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) | AVAILABLE AT $90 |
19597 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1960) Sternwheel boat* on river*. Multicolor telegram (O) with delivery envelope. | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
24661 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1960) Chats* et chiens* avec des personnes* de différents âges. Jouets*. Bouteille de champagne*. Banjo*. Fleurs* (dont orchidées*). Chérubins* allumant les bougies* d'un gâteau d'anniversaire*. Télégramme multicolore (O) accompagné de son enveloppe illustrée. (Image b) (Image c) | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
26165 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1960) Boy* in tree* picking heart-shaped apples* which girl* collecting in apron*. Sun*. Birds* in potted trees*. Multicolor Valentine's Day telegram (N) with attractive illustration for Valentine's Day. (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) (Image e) | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
19254 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1961) Troubadours* jouant de la mandoline, du tambour* et du violon*. Homme à cheval* soufflant dans une trompette*. Oiseaux*. Arbre*. Eglise*. Cadran solaire*. Girouette*. Fontaine*. Poissons*. Télégramme multicolore (N) accompagné de son enveloppe illustrée. Joli! (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) (Image e) | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
24714 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1961) Enfants célébrant un anniversaire. Ballons*. Télégramme multicolore (O) avec jolies illustrations, accompagné de son enveloppe illustrée. (Image b) (Image c) | AVAILABLE AT $65 |
25010 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1963) Flowers*. Multicolor telegram (O) with illustrated envelope for Birthday greetings. Attractive! | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
26167 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1963) Boy* in tree* picking heart-shaped apples* which girl* collecting in apron*. Sun*. Birds* in potted trees*. Multicolor Valentine's Day telegram (O), reissue of 1960 telegram, with attractive illustration for Valentine's Day with delivery envelope. Rare! Only used for a period of 4 days! (Image b) (Image c) | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
24549 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1966) Cloches*. Oiseaux*. Couple marié* sortant de l'église. Gens sonnant les cloches*. Homme prenant une photo*. Télégramme multicolore (N) accompagné de son enveloppe illustrée. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
25148 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1966) Cover: Cartoon style boy* riding pony* and delivering telegram*. Inside: boys riding ponies* in parade and playing tuba*, drums*, trumpet*. Candles*. Multicolor telegram (O) with illustrated envelope. Humorous designs for birthday wishes. (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) (Image e) | AVAILABLE AT $65 |
16812 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1967) Clowns dancing and playing the mandolin*. Multicolor telegram (O). Lovely! (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
24663 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1971) Télégramme pour le passage à l'âge adulte (21ème anniversaire): chat* se cachant derrière un gâteau d'anniversaire* dont il a grignoté un morceau. Bougies allumées*. Enveloppe: chat* avec une clé* pendant à son cou. Chat* et groupe buvant du champagne*. Télégramme multicolore (N) accompagné de son enveloppe illustrée. Sujet exceptionnel! (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) (Image e) | AVAILABLE AT $65 |
24584 | TEL | GREAT BRITAIN (1976) Birds in cartoon style*: turkey*, pheasant*, hummingbird*, etc. Trees* with facial features*. Horseshoe*. Roses*. Multicolor telegram (O) with illustrated envelope. (Image b) (Image c) (Image d) (Image e) | AVAILABLE AT $65 |