LEGEND | Bid Sheet (English) | Ordre d'achat (Français) |
Lot No | Type | Description | Result |
13755 | ND | (Image b) YEMEN (1968) JM. L. King. Set of 3 imperforate minisheets. Michel Blocks 107//18. | AVAILABLE AT $10 |
13756 | ND | DAHOMEY (1968) M. L. King. Imperforate S/S of 3. Scott No C73a, Yvert No BF14. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
13757 | EL | FRANCE (1979) Léon Jouhaux. Deluxe sheet. Scott No B515, Yvert No 2030. Won Nobel Peace Prize in 1951 for work with ILO. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
13758 | EA | MONACO (2006) Albert Camus. Stage die proof in black signed by the engraver LAVERGNE and marked "Epreuve d'Atelier)". 50th anniversary of award of Nobel Prize for Literature. Scott No 2442. | AVAILABLE AT $250 |
Lot No | Type | Description | Result |
12342 | EL | CENTRAL AFRICA (1977c) Tagore. Children writing. Deluxe sheet, Nobel Prize Winners. Scott No C183, Yvert No BF13. | AVAILABLE AT $10 |
12715 | EA | FRANCE (2005) Henri Moissan. Stage die proof in sepia signed by the engraver BEAUJARD. Scott No 3257, Yvert No 3915. Winner of Nobel Prize for his work with fluorine. | AVAILABLE AT $175 |
13489 | EA | FRANCE (1958) Charles Nicolle. Die proof signed by the engraver MAZELIN. Nicolle was a bacteriologist who won the Nobel Prize in medicine for identifying lice as the transmitter of typhus. Scott No 867,Yvert No 1144. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
13501 | EL | FRANCE (1974) Dr. Schweitzer. Nobel Prize. Palm tree. Mother* and child. Deluxe sheet. Scott No B483. Yvert No 1824. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
13807 | EL | FRANCE (1959) Henri Bergson. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 934, Yvert No 1225. His work challenged the mechanistic view of nature and he is sometimes claimed to have anticipated relativity theory. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
14097 | EL | FRANCE (1994) Formula for wave properties of matter. Bloc gommé. Scott No 2420, Yvert No 2879. Louis de Broglie. | AVAILABLE AT $100 |