LEGEND | Bid Sheet (English) | Ordre d'achat (Français) |
Lot No | Type | Description | Result |
12596 | OBL | ITALY (1851) Falcon. Stampless letter from Italy with linear cancel Monfalcon. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
12597 | ENT | U.S.A. (1899) Eagle. Can of condensed milk. Two cent postal stationery (O) with illustrated advertising for Borden's Condensed Milk. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
12598 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1940) Aigle. Superbe empreinte violette de machine à affranchir sur pli Pitney Bowes No 58651: "Aidez à accélérer défense nationale." | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
12599 | EMA | U.S.A. (1948) Eagle. Matches. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 105703: "The Diamond Match Company." | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
12600 | EMA | U.S.A. (1952) Falcon. Globe. Aviation. Red meter cancellation on piece Pitney Bowes No 164416: "Fly Eastern's new Silver Falcon." | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
12601 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1956) Aigle* sur l'Ă©paule d'un pilote. Empreinte bleue de machine Ă affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 136602: "Les rĂ©servistes de l'armĂ©e de l'air prĂȘts Ă vous protĂ©ger." | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
12602 | EMA | U.S.A. (1956) Hawk. Red meter cancellation on cover Pitney Bowes #314610: "Hawkridge, your best source for warehoused metals." | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
12603 | EL | ANDORRA (1979) Falcon. Deluxe sheet. Pre-Roman painting. Scott No 271, Yvert No 278. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
12604 | EL | FRANCE (1984) Bearded vulture. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 1938, Yvert No 2337. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
12605 | EL | FRANCE (1984) Short-toed eagle. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 1939, Yvert No 2338. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
12606 | EL | FRANCE (1984) Sparrowhawk. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 1940, Yvert No 2339. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
12607 | EL | FRANCE (1984) Peregrine falcon. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 1941, Yvert No 2340. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
12608 | EL | NEW CALEDONIA (1987) Peregrine falcon. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 565, Yvert No 543. Not easy to find! | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
12609 | EL | NEW CALEDONIA (1995) Osprey (Pandion haliaetus),. Bloc gommé. Scott No 721, Yvert No 696. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
12610 | EL | FRANCE (1997) Eagle. Thistle. Mountains. Bloc gommé. Parc des Ecrins. Scott No 2569, Yvert No 3054. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
Lot No | Type | Description | Result |
12085 | ENT | U.S.A. (1940) Stag. Eagle. Insurance. One cent postal card (N) with advertising. "Court of Common Council." | AVAILABLE AT $16 |
13231 | EL | FRANCE (1946) Zeus carrying Hebe. Deluxe sheet with glassine overlay. Scott No C20, Yvert No PA18. | AVAILABLE AT $90 |
13246 | EMA | ETATS UNIS (1940) Handicapés. Aigle. Empreinte violette de machine à affranchir sur pli Pitney Bowes No 332920: "Employez les handicapés. C'est bon pour les affaires." | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
13474 | ENT | U.S.A. (1880) Medal: Eagle. 2 cent postal stationery (N) with illustration of medal from Victoria Council No 10, Legion of Honor." | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
13770 | EL | FRANCE (1996) Bearded vulture. Saxifrage. Mercantour National Park. Bloc gommé. Scott No 2516, Yvert No 2999. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
14083 | ** | (Image b) CENTRAL AFRICA (1982) Leopard. Eagle. Rotary emblem. Gold foil stamp + 2 S/S. Scott Nos C265a-b. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |